Hantei Toga

Toga is the most serious of the triplets born to Hantei Nariko and Utaku Nekhi. Like all of them, he was raised in the imperial palace, but he and the Imperial heir Himeko were practically inseparable. He was trained in how to protect her, and he took his job very seriously.   Although, to be fair, they also used it as an excuse to do reckless things utilizing Toga's skills as a safety net. Himeko was obsessed with the strange and unexplained, with creatures that weren't human, and Toga's ability to protect her meant she could order him to take her places she would otherwise be unable to go. Toga loved the idea of glory, and so they were a perfect match, except for sometimes things got out of hand.   Of course, rarely did they get out of hand when they had planned things, but sometimes things happened that were unplanned--like Himeko falling into a wall into Yume-do where he couldn't follow, or getting kidnapped by some people at Toshi Kaeru. He got them out of that latter one, but it was still a mess.   Toga has run into Tsuruchi Kairi, daughter of the Jade Champion, a few times, and she is quiet and meek and he's kind of.. also quiet and not forward, and the problem with that is he really, really wants her to fall in love with him. He's kissed her once, and that was all, and she didn't get mad, so that looks promising. He thinks she likes him, but he's not sure.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Heterosexual Dom