Tsuruchi Kairi

the youngest child of Shika Sakura and Tsuruchi Hiyori, whose other mother is Bayushi Mami, Kairi has always pursued the path of the Bushi. As such, she made a perfect Yojimbo for her brother Bayushi Enji, Mami's heir and a courtier.   Kairi lead a perfectly normal life for much of her childhood, but it changed in year 11, when she walked into a strange grove. It talked to her, and she was fascinated by it, and she ended up staying in it, and returning to it, day after day, for months. It told her secrets, and whispered about the ways of the world. She was staying with her siblings with Mami-mama at the time (It was a rule in the house that the children were never split up. Whichever parent was taking them would take them all. Sakura was very insistent that the kids never felt that they were anything other than full siblings with 3 separate parents, no matter where life lead them). Her strange behaviors on account of her affliction were hard to notice.   She didn't understand what had happened until much later. Far too late to fix the taint that had settled on her soul and made it hard for her to empathize with others around her. At first, she was mad at herself. Then, she was mad at the system that would oppress her for just being confused. She was young--it was stupid that they would hold her accountable for her actions then.   She didn't tell her family. She didn't tell anyone. She wanted to live a normal life--and she didn't want anyone to take that away from her.   Kairi met Hantei Toga while escorting her brother around. They were quiet and curt with one another, but Enji was quick to tell her that he felt attracted to her. When they were all kidnapped together, Toga and she were the big reason they got out. They ran across each other at courts, and infrequently outside of them, and Toga has begun to be more forward in his flirtations.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Bayushi Enji
Parents (Adopting)