Kaito Daichi

The second eldest of the adopted children of Kaito Reiji and Asahina Tomoriki, Daichi is perhaps the most notable of their adopted children. With hair white as snow with only mild pink-brown hues, his connection to the void was clear the moment they took him in, but he was also the one child that came from peasant stock. He was taken in when he was 12, nearly an adult, and he was quiet and unsociable at first. It took two years for him to warm up to his new family, but he bonded with his dad Tomoriki over their obsession with clothing and fashion.   After finding this hobby, Daichi began to soften. His Gempukku was far later than any of his siblings, but he caught up quickly. The strength and speed with which he adapted to the calling of void was staggering, and it was soon that he was also being looked at for a position of Master on the Council, although people hissed and whispered about his unsavory upbringing.   He met Yasuki Chiare when his sister came to his rescue when a cult tried to drag him from the timestream. Trapped in a tear in the void, he was helpless, and if not for his sister, Chiare, and Togashi Tetsuo, he might have been unmade. When he was rescued, he stuck very close to his little sister for a time, and in that time, Chiare was shamelessly flirting with him. Daichi was confused at first, but warmed up quickly to the attention.   He'd never been treated like he was the center of someone's world before, and Chiare was very good at making someone feel that way.   When Chiare asked him to marry him, Daichi said yes without hesitation. His parents backed them against the raging screams of the Phoenix clan, and they were forced to agree to have surrogate children where Daichi would produce them. They didn't mind this. Chiare asked his sister to help and they had 4 children.   Chiare and Daichi's relationship actually is idyllic, despite what an absolute insatiable flirt Chiare is. Daichi is unconcerned by Chiare's wandering flirtations, because he knows he is Chiare's whole world, and that he just likes flirtation. if Daichi had ever been jealous, it was assuaged quickly by his assurances of Chiare's loyalty, time after time.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude