Yasuki Chiare

Yasuki Chiare is the son of Yasuki Tomi and Yoritomo Vihaan. He was born with the ability to talk to the kami, but was too smart for his own good. He wanted to be a Bushi (a warrior) and not a Shugenja (a priest), so he hid that talent until he had graduated into being a man.   He's a ridiculous flirt and rushes headlong into adventure. As the eldest son, he's very protective of his siblings, and overly affectionate, but not suited to inherit much in the way of responsibility.   He met Kaito Daichi by accident while getting roped into helping his sister, and the two of them quickly fell for each other. Daichi less obviously or loudly than Chiare. Chiare persued Daichi's hand in marriage against the wishes of the Phoenix clan, but promised to surrogate children to the Ishiken to appease them. He eventually got his way, and they did have several children, with Chiare's little sister being the surrogate--after much begging and bribery.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Bisexual Dom
Kaito Daichi