Kakita Miyukatsu "Miya"

Kakita Miyukatsu was the name she chose when she became a woman. It was the name she wore when she rushed out into the night to fight an oncoming band of Oni, confident of how skilled she was. It was the name when she learned how small she was, and how short her life would be.
  It was the name she woke up with the Realm of Thwarted Destiny with.
  It was the name her best friend stole when she found her body. The name that went with the face the fox child assumed as she returned home to do what she thought only she could do--save her. It is the name her best friend made the Fortune of Heroes. The name that ascended her to the heavens to meet with gods she had given up on. The name she abandoned so that she could move, quietly and unassumingly, across the Empire with her new friends.
  When Miya woke up in the Realm of Thwarted Destiny, she didn't know how long she had been left to fester in that cocoon. She was unsure when she would step foot back in the realm of Ningen-do, but she knew she was going to try. What seemed like centuries, reliving that moment of her death and all she did wrong, had changed her from the impetuous, overconfident child that had died on the fields that night to a woman who wanted nothing more than a quiet, long life exploring strange experiences.
  She found Genmei and Yugoro wandering this place like her. They drove off the spirits that came for them, and the three of them started their journey home. They pushed from here to the realm of dreams, Yume-do, and then from there, to the Senkyo, where they ended up in Chikusho-do. From there, at a thin place, they found their way, finally, back to the realm of the living, and Miya took a deep breath of fresh air, only to be pulled immediately from where she stood, back into a new realm.
  She was dubbed the Fortune of Heroes, and found herself amongst the Kami who ruled the celestial order. Including Fu Leng, the bastard who ruled Jigoku for most of his last incarnation. A fight broke out, and he challenged her to a duel. Miya accepted, and he let himself die by her blade, re-entering the reincarnation cycle for the ability to escape his annoying family. She, for her part, annoyed that she had been tricked, but happy to have the satisfaction of killing him--even once--returned, much easier, back to her friends, doffed in Celestial garments.
  From there, they travelled to the Mountains of the Togashi, and revealed themselves to Genmei's brother, who immediately adopted them into the Dragon clan. She was sought out by Miyukatsu--the fox who had stolen her name--and told of the girl's exploits. She gave her name to her best friend then, abandoning it, but happy to be back alongside her and watch her as she played a perfect Crane samurai.
  Gifted with a life that does not end, Miya enjoys travel and experiences with her friends, and returns frequently to the Dragon Mountains for her rest.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude


Kakita Miyukatsu "Miya"


Towards Hantei Iba

Hantei Iba


Towards Kakita Miyukatsu "Miya"

Hantei Iba (spouse)