
Saburo is one of the kids born in the Midori District in Toshi Josho. He has a loving family and a burning desire for violence, which luckily, the city provides him ample opportunity to blow off with all the gang fights. He's a member of the Midori Han-Dan-Kai and one of the subordinates of Hiei Kitsumaru in the Fire Brigade.
  Saburo isn't known for finesse. Among the crazy violent, he is considered crazy and violent. When one sends Saburo to do something, he does it stupidly. This is how he met Togashi Suzume. He was told to make a distraction, so he rushed the young Emerald Yoriki and punched him in the face.
  And later, he kidnapped him. The whole thing was so he wouldn't get in the way of an investigation or something, but Saburo noticed that when the boy and he got in a fight, and the boy always lost, he had a bit of a hardon. This translated pretty well to consent as far as Saburo was concerned, so he took advantage of his little kidnapped victim, and the rougher he was, the more the Dragon boy squealed, and he didn't mind the way his teeth marks looked in the pretty boy's tattooed skin.
  Whether it was consensual or not, Suzume stuck around even after he was let go. He became a bit of a hanger-on, and a bit of a nuisance of a conscience for Saburo. The good news was, that his addiction was pretty easily assuaged by fucking the boy while holding him down.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
