Shinjo Timur

Born in the Gorlos district of the Rising City, Toshi Josho, his status as a samurai and his father's position in the Kin Kaminari Gumi made him an easy shoe-in for one of the higher positions in the most secretive gang in the city. While immensely large and powerful, the Kinkan don't advertise themselves with special coats. They are known by the buildings they own and the back rooms they operate out of. It's not important that one knows their names, but that one knows their power.
  Timur is hard to miss in a crowd, though. Standing at 6'7", the man cuts an impressive and terrifying figure, and his interests include cute, fluffy women. One of which, Kirai, got stuck next to him for an elongated week of time, and he found her extremely breedable. He's not quite figured out how to tame her yet, but he's working on that.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
