Shika Sakura

Adopted by the heroes Matsu Yoshiro and Togashi Mareko before she could remember, she had always been their daughter. Her relationship with her father Mareko was strenuous--he came across too clingy and too doting, and she couldn't help but lash out at him. She didn't know why she was always getting in fights with him; he just.. somehow.. annoyed her.   Her relationship with her Father Yoshiro, on the other hand, was close. She trained as a Shika Matchmaker and her father gave her his legendary Naginata that he brought from the other world and helped slay Kalima the Destroyer with. Shortly out of Gempukku, she joined the Yoriki program under the Emerald Magistrates, and met Bayushi Mami.   Being incredibly demisexual, it took Sakura a long time to acknowledge Mami's feelings. She was aware of them, and careful with them, she just didn't end up reciprocating them at first. For a while they were just friends, and Mami was respectful and caring and patient. It wasn't until many years into their friendship that she fell in love with her, and the conversation was a bit less dramatic than some people's own.   "I think I love you." and Mami lit up, and Sakura felt herself light up in turn, "And I think our fates are inextricably tied."   For a time, Mami and Sakura were just girlfriends. Hiyori entered the picture later, and at Mami's insistance, ended up being a part of the relationship. Sakura eventually fell for him, too, and it helped that she could see that the threads between them were so entertwined. It made choices quite easy, being a Matchmaker.   Sakura was eventually named the Jade Champion for her skill with the Kami and her friendly relationship with Emperor Toturi V.   The Deer clan refuse to marry for anything but love. Politics be damned. But a 3 way marriage is not a possibility in Rokugan in this day and age, even amongst the Deer. While they held a union that acknowledged the three of them as together, Sakura was officially married to Hiyori. This was because Hiyori had no responsibilities or claims to land back home, and Mami was expected to steward her own family's castle back amongst the Aoitora. While Sakura took Hiyori's family name, they primarily took up residence in an estate amongst the Deer clan's holdings, and the Jade Palace.   The three of them had 3 children. Hiyori and Sakura birthed 2, while Hiyori and Mami birthed 1. They were never raised separately from one another; although their status as siblings was less publicly acknowledged, it was never questioned among the group.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude