Usagi Ayaki

Ayaki is one of the triplets born to Usagi Tomasu and Yoroito. He has been blessed with the Hare's unparalleled athletic ability, and also a desire for adrenaline that gets him into too much trouble.   Ayaki is the type of kid that would eat poison if someone dared him to. The boy is the definition of Dumb Bun. He's frankly unsure how he ended up ever attracting the attention of a straight-laced man like Shika Rintaro , but he's not really regretted it. Turns out, Rintaro likes some weird shit that is a little dangerous, and Ayaki likes that.   I mean, the loyalty and love are cool, too.   Ayaki has been basically inseparable from Uru since they met. They immediately clicked, and have been best friends. When he eventually married, it was to her, although Rintaro lives alongside them and the three of them know who the real couple is.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
