Shika Rintaro

Adopted much later than his sister, Rintaro is more aware of his adoption than her. He's also aware that the reason that his parents never adopted another baby was that children absolutely loathed his father Mareko, for reasons that were never clear, and his problematic relationship with his sister, Shika Sakura, had broken his heart.   For this reason, Rintaro had strived never to be cruel to Mareko. He was adopted old enough that he was able to see patterns, and even he was drawn to Yoshiro more. He actively bit down the part of him that wished to quarrel, and resisted whatever curse had been placed on his father until he was into his teen years and things started to calm down for him entirely.   Beyond both of his parents, though, there was a woman he idolized. A woman spoken of in the academy of Shika Speerdancers where he trained: Shika Homura. She was his fathers' friend. She had come through from another world with them. In that world, she was greater even than Yoritomo--she said as much, and nobody questioned it. Not in his household, anyway.   When she came around, he stood up straighter, tried to get her attention. She never gave him much, but she did acknowledge him. She even passed him down a weapon when she retired. He was ecstatic.   Rintaro also was the kid who stuffed his feelings by bringing home pets. Mareko never told him no, so he had quite the menagerie. He never left a place without his horse, his wolf, and a small squirrel that all packed around with him.   He met Usagi Ayaki while out adventuring. He'd gotten roped into helping this haunted village, and Ayaki was there with his Ronin buddy Ume, and the two of them were rambunctious and stupid to a fault. The place was haunted--people were disappearing--and they were playing truth or dare to do laps around the town in their underwear late at night. When he was around them, he suffered from stupidity, as well. Somehow, their enthusiastic dedication to being absolute dumbasses was a siren's song to any they dragged along.   They solved that situation, and started traveling together. It wasn't long before Rintaro found himself scooting way too close to Ayaki in his sleep. It wasn't too much longer before Rintaro was fucking his thighs, and sometimes he'd kiss him out of the blue, and sometimes he'd consider, even...   Well, it turned out there was drugs in the air, and everyone was out of their mind. The Governor of this town they'd stopped in had been basically cultivating a flower that made everyone go insane with desire and removed all their inhibitions. That would have been bad already, but then he kidnapped Ume and some other girls to use as sex slaves, and when Ayaki and Rintaro busted him, ran off with her family sword.   They had to hunt him for 9 years before they found him hiding in a backwater town in Spider lands, doing the same shit again. Then they had to get permission to officially oust him and take back her sword. They did, but it was a lot of travel, and a lot of time for Rintaro to impress upon Ayaki the nature of his feelings.   And the Deer clan only marry for love.   Of course, the Hare clan, from which Ayaki heralds, does not believe in such shit. They marry for babies. So while Rintaro would have rather married Ayaki, they settled for something else. Ayaki married Uru, giving her clan samurai status, and Rintaro never married, living with Ayaki as if they were.    Uru surrogated 4 children for the two of them--two from Rintaro, and 2 from Ayaki.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
