Usagi Yoko

Yoko is one of the triplets born to Usagi Tomasu and Yoroito. She, like her brother Ayaki, is small in stature. She was born, though, in a single sliver of sunlight, which her parents claim to have followed her even as she was taken to her bed. They knew she was blessed by Amaterasu, and as such, worked out with the Moshi for her to attend school there and encourage her blessing.
  Yoko grew up amongst powerful women, and she respects powerful women. She, unfortunately, like her brothers, suffered a bit of a case of rash decision making in her youth. Even before Gempukku, she rushed out into fights for righteous causes, and ended up in over her head shortly after being declared an adult. A group of bandits struck her over the head hard enough that she never recovered, and she was almost sold into slavery before Minoru came to her rescue.
  She has adjusted to not really being able to hear. Although she can make out sounds like they are coming to her from underwater, its just not practical to communicate by talking unless someone is talking loudly right into her ear. Her reckless desire for conflict has waned, and she shakes when a fight comes near, but she does not back down from her righteous duty.
  She eventually met and fell for Kaito Ju'nichi. They courted and married, and she loves him and gave him 4 children, although one did not make it through birth. She knows Ju'nichi has secrets he keeps from her, but she doesn't mind not knowing things if they make him happy.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude