Aarakocra (/ˌɑːrəˈkoʊkrə/)

Winged Wanders of the Planes

High in the skies above Rolara, there are creatures both feared and revered - the Aarakocra. These birdlike beings are sequestered in the mountainous peaks atop tall trees, and are known to evoke both wonder and terror. Though they may appear as mere beasts from a distance, their humanoid form is revealed upon closer inspection, standing upright at a height of up to five feet with long, narrow legs that taper to sharp talons.   Covered in feathers that denote membership in their tribes, the Aarakocra are a nomadic people who move with the winds and currents of the sky. With their powerful wings, they can spend hours aloft, and in battle they prove to be dynamic and acrobatic fliers, diving to lash opponents with weapons or talons before turning and flying away.   Though they may seem aloof and mysterious, the Aarakocra have a rich oral tradition that tells of their connection to the natural world, their history, and their mythology. They are a deeply spiritual people, with a special affinity for the sky and its boundless vistas. They are skilled herbalists and healers, using the plants and materials they find on their travels to treat illnesses and injuries.   But their nomadic lifestyle and lack of understanding of ownership can sometimes cause strife with those who dwell on the ground. They may drop from the sky to snatch livestock or plunder harvests for fruits and grains, and they are easily distracted by shiny, glittering objects.   However, the Aarakocra are also fierce protectors of their own people and their way of life. They guard the flying temples that hold Aetherite Crystals, powerful artifacts that have recently been unleashed upon the world. They are ready to take to the skies at a moment's notice to defend their homes and allies, and their skills and knowledge of the new magical energies that have been unleashed on Rolara make them invaluable guides and allies.   As you travel through the skies of Rolara, keep an eye out for these enigmatic and powerful beings. They may hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the magical forces that are changing the world, and they are not to be underestimated.

Basic Information


The Aarakocra of Rolara are a fascinating and unique species, with a body design that reflects their affinity for the sky. They have a humanoid form, with a human-like head and face, and a striking bird beak that serves as their primary means of grasping and tearing food. Their feathered crest is adorned with beads and other decorative elements, denoting membership in their tribe and personal identity. Their slender, humanoid arms end in hands with three fingers and a thumb, allowing them to manipulate objects and tools with ease. Their legs are long and slender, tapering to sharp talons that allow them to grip and perch on branches or other objects while in flight. Their feet have an opposable toe, which they use for gripping and manipulating objects while perching.   Covered in feathers, the Aarakocra have plumage that is often brightly colored and adorned with decorative elements such as beads and feathers. Their wings are their most striking feature, allowing them to soar through the air with remarkable speed and grace. Their wingspan can vary from 10 to 20 feet, depending on the size of the individual Aarakocra.   The Aarakocra's bones are lightweight but strong, designed to support their large wings and allow for efficient flight. Their hollow bones are reinforced with a network of internal struts, providing both strength and flexibility. Their muscles are highly developed, particularly those used for flying, allowing for precise control and dynamic movements in the air.   Their eyes are large and expressive, with the ability to see in both bright and low light conditions. They also possess keen hearing and a strong sense of smell, allowing them to navigate the skies and hunt their prey with great precision.   Overall, the Aarakocra's anatomy is perfectly adapted to their nomadic lifestyle in the skies. They are agile and acrobatic fliers, able to navigate the winds and currents of the sky with ease, and their bones and muscles are designed to support the stresses and strains of long flights. Their keen senses and powerful talons make them formidable predators and defenders of their homes and allies, while their striking appearance and decorative elements serve as a reflection of their rich culture and traditions.

Civilization and Culture

Courtship Ideals

As the sun begins to set over the Sky Cairns, the Aarakocra begin to gather for their courtship rituals. With the sky as their canvas, they take to the air, performing a dance that is as beautiful as it is complex.   The males, with their brightly colored plumage, lead the dance, flying in intricate patterns and making a series of calls that are both musical and enchanting. The females, with their more subdued colors, follow close behind, their feathers rustling in the wind as they match their movements to those of the males.   As the dance progresses, the Aarakocra begin to perform aerial acrobatics, diving and spinning through the air with remarkable grace and speed. Their wings beat in perfect unison, creating a sound that is both soothing and mesmerizing.   As the dance comes to a close, the males and females pair off, their wings and feathers intermingling as they fly off into the sunset. For the Aarakocra, courtship is not just a means of procreation, but a celebration of their culture and traditions, and a way of strengthening the bonds between their tribes.   The courtship rituals of the Aarakocra are a testament to their grace and beauty, and a reminder of their unique connection to the skies. As they dance through the air among their Sky Cairns, they serve as a reminder that even in a world filled with magic and wonder, there is nothing more beautiful than the natural world around us.
Scientific Name
Geographic Distribution
Related Myths


Author's Notes

Aarakocra on dndbeyond.com. A subscription of purchase may be required.

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