Plane of Elemental Air

The Plane of Elemental Air, also called the Eternal Sky and the Godsbreath is a Plane of Existence close in vibrational frequency to the Prime Material Plane. For this reason and much like the other Elemental Planes, it is considered an Inner Plane. It is full of air, the fundamental building block of the cosmos, and the first of the four elements according to many traditions. Many sages and spellcasters have sought to understand and harness the raw power of the Plane of Air.
  The color of a bright blue sky, travelers upon first arriving in the plane will begin falling in whichever direction is convenient for them. After a few moments, most intelligent creatures can right themselves and realize that "down" is entirely subjective. Creatures that can't fly still eventually manage to get around by falling in new directions all the time.
  Travelers should beware intense planar maelstroms that violent mix the plane of air with other elements and sometimes pockets from other dimensions. Don't get stuck in one of these tumultuous storms as creatures are nearly helpless; all spellcasting fails within a maelstrom here.
Alternative Name(s)
Eternal Sky, Godsbreath
Plane of Existence
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species


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