
The 1st Layer of Hell

"As for daily life in Avernus, it was a chaotic blend of violence, cunning, and ambition. Zariel spent much of her time managing her subordinates, dealing with rival forces, and negotiating with other Archdevils. Despite the cutthroat atmosphere, there were moments of humor and intrigue, as devils and demons were known for their penchant for deception and manipulation. For instance, Bel's chaotic team-building retreat was filled with unexpected twists, as Zariel and her team navigated various challenges designed to test their loyalty, cunning, and resourcefulness."
- The Chronicle of Zariel
  Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells, is a realm of chaos, violence, and ambition. The layer is ruled by Zariel, who spends much of her time managing her subordinates, dealing with rival forces, and negotiating with other Archdevils. Despite the cutthroat atmosphere, there are moments of humor and intrigue, as devils and demons are known for their penchant for deception and manipulation.   The geography of Avernus is a stark testament to the relentless pursuit of power and control. The layer is characterized by its vast expanse of dark pits and towering citadels, which serve as the headquarters for various divisions of the Avernus Security Company. The landscape is scarred by the constant battles of the Blood War, with the ground littered with the bones and gore of countless fallen warriors.   The impact of the Avernus Security Company's operations on the layer is significant. The company, led by Zariel, has transformed Avernus into a hub of infernal security and defense. The layer's natural features have been altered and exploited to serve the needs of the company, creating a landscape that is both terrifying and awe-inspiring.   Despite the harsh conditions and the relentless pursuit of power, the devils of Avernus have adapted to their new environment. They have learned to navigate the altered landscape and use the resources at their disposal to further their own ambitions. The layer is now a place of ruthless competition and constant scheming, with every devil constantly plotting to gain an advantage over their rivals.


The geography of Avernus is characterized by its vast expanse of dark pits and towering citadels, a testament to the relentless pursuit of power and control that defines this layer.   One of the most notable geographical features of Avernus is the River Styx, a dark and treacherous river that winds its way through the layer. The River Styx is a constant reminder of the layer's proximity to the Abyss, its dark waters serving as a gateway to the chaotic realm of the demons. The river is a place of danger and intrigue, its banks often the site of fierce battles between the devils of Avernus and the demons of the Abyss.   The sky of Avernus is a sight to behold. Thick with smoke from the constant battles and industrial activities of the layer, the sky is a swirling mass of dark clouds and fiery embers. Despite the smoke and fire, there are moments when the sky clears, revealing glimpses of the Astral Plane beyond. These moments are fleeting, but they serve as a stark reminder of the layer's position as the 'uppermost' layer of the Nine Hells.   The proximity of Avernus to the Gaping Maw of the Abyss is another defining feature of the layer's geography. The layer is constantly under threat from the hordes of the Abyss, its defenses always on high alert. The constant tension and the ever-present threat of invasion have shaped the geography of Avernus, with fortifications and defensive structures dotting the landscape.   Despite the harsh conditions and the relentless pursuit of power, the devils of Avernus have adapted to their environment. They have learned to navigate the altered landscape and use the resources at their disposal to further their own ambitions. The layer is now a place of ruthless competition and constant scheming, with every devil constantly plotting to gain an advantage over their rivals.

Fauna & Flora

Also home to a variety of unique flora and fauna, Avernus shows its terrifying beauty in their tempting forms. These lifeforms have adapted to the harsh conditions of the layer, and many of them possess properties that make them valuable ingredients and reagents for magical potions or enchanted items.   The flora of Avernus is as resilient as it is dangerous. Many of the plants found on the layer have evolved to survive in the harsh conditions, developing thorns, poisonous sap, and other defensive mechanisms. Some of these plants, such as the Hellthorn Bush and the Infernal Lotus, contain magical properties that make them valuable components in the creation of potions and enchanted items. These plants are often harvested by the MalaMart resource gathering operations, which are protected by highly paid private security forces.   The fauna of Avernus is equally diverse and dangerous. The layer is home to a variety of infernal creatures, from the lowly lemures to the powerful pit fiends. These creatures are often hunted for their magical properties, with their blood, bones, and other body parts used as reagents in the creation of magical items. The MalaMart resource gathering operations also target these creatures, with highly paid private security forces ensuring the safety of the hunters.   Despite the dangers, the flora and fauna of Avernus are a valuable resource for the devils of the layer. They provide the ingredients and reagents needed for the creation of magical potions and enchanted items, and their harvesting provides employment opportunities for the devils of the layer. The MalaMart resource gathering operations are a testament to the power of the Baator Conglomerate and the relentless pursuit of profit, even at the expense of the natural environment.  

Flora of Avernus

  • Hellthorn Bush
    This resilient plant is characterized by its sharp, fiery thorns and its ability to survive in the harshest of conditions. The thorns of the Hellthorn Bush are often used in the creation of weapons and traps, while its sap, which burns with an infernal fire, is a valuable ingredient in fire-based potions and enchantments.
  • Infernal Lotus
    A rare and beautiful flower, the Infernal Lotus blooms only in the most desolate parts of Avernus. Its petals, which glow with an eerie, hellish light, are highly prized as a reagent in the creation of powerful enchantments and illusions. The nectar of the Infernal Lotus is also a potent hallucinogen, often used in the creation of mind-altering potions.
  • Bloodvine
    This creeping vine is found throughout Avernus, its tendrils often seen snaking their way across the ashen plains and up the sides of the towering citadels. The Bloodvine gets its name from its sap, which is a deep, blood-red color. This sap is a powerful coagulant, and is often used in healing potions and other restorative items.

Fauna of Avernus

  • Lemures
    These lowly devils are the most common form of infernal creature in Avernus. Their flesh is highly resistant to fire and their blood has regenerative properties, making them a valuable resource for the creation of fire resistance potions and healing items.
  • Hell Hounds
    These infernal canines are often used by the devils of Avernus as hunting dogs and guards. Their teeth and claws are incredibly sharp and durable, often used in the creation of weapons and armor. The fiery breath of a Hell Hound is also a valuable ingredient in fire-based potions and enchantments.
  • Pit Fiends
    These powerful devils are the generals and commanders of the infernal armies of Avernus. Their scales are incredibly tough and resistant to magic, making them a valuable resource for the creation of armor and shields. The venom of a Pit Fiend is also a potent poison, often used in the creation of deadly weapons and traps.


The history of Avernus is a tale of power struggles, regime changes, and the relentless pursuit of profit. The corporatization of the Nine Hells under Asmodeus' Baator Conglomerate marked a significant shift in the power dynamics of Avernus, transforming it from a battlefield into a hub of infernal commerce and industry.   Before the corporatization, Avernus was the primary battleground of the Blood War, a brutal and seemingly endless conflict between the devils of the Nine Hells and the demons of the Abyss. The layer was ruled by Zariel, a fallen angel who had been seduced by the power and influence of the Nine Hells. Under Zariel's rule, Avernus was a place of constant warfare and bloodshed, with legions of devils constantly ready to repel the hordes of demons that sailed the River Styx into the layer.   However, the corporatization of the Nine Hells changed everything. Asmodeus, the ruler of the Nine Hells, negotiated with the cosmos to privatize the Nine Hells' role and function in the Afterlife. This led to the formation of the Baator Conglomerate, with Asmodeus as its Chairdevil. The former Archdevils, including Zariel, were repositioned as Chief Executive Devils, running their own subsidiaries or divisions of the Conglomerate.   Zariel was briefly supplanted by Bi Zhashe as Chief Executive Devil of the Avernus Security Company. However, after a chance meeting with the dead god, Kano, Bi Zhashe deconstructed his identity and beliefs and left the Baator Conglomerate. This left a power vacuum in the Avernus Security Company, which Zariel filled through a hostile takeover.   Today, Avernus is a place of ruthless competition and constant scheming, with every devil constantly plotting to gain an advantage over their rivals. The layer is a testament to the power of the Baator Conglomerate and the relentless pursuit of profit, even at the expense of the natural environment. The history of Avernus serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of unchecked ambition and the relentless pursuit of power.
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