Erfelion (/ɛɹfɛliɔn/ | "er-feh-lee-on")

The Unconquered Tribe

Deep within a cool temperate forest, the hidden settlement of Erfelion flourishes with the traditions and beauty of wood elves. With a population of just over 1700, the inhabitants of Erfelion harmoniously coexist with nature, relying on the bounty of the forest and flowing waters of the Narrow River and Great Lake. The thatched and wooden architecture, adorned in turquoise and Silver, reflects a utilitarian yet tasteful style. Despite lacking fortifications, the surrounding foothills and river provide natural defenses. Erfelion's devout druids make pilgrimages to the towering elm tree, Ancient Wood, for spiritual guidance. The people of Erfelion trade with fey creatures of the sylvan woods and Goliath tribes in the mountains. Erfelion is a jewel of elven culture and heritage, isolated from Human civilization for over 1500 years.


Erfelion is a small settlement tucked away in a dense forest in the heart of the continent. It is home to a population of approximately 1,700 Wood Elves, making it one of the most significant Elven settlements in the region. The population consists of 468 children, 1161 adults, 104 elderly individuals, and 176 ill or infirm residents. The settlement is not known to welcome outsiders easily, and their general attitude towards outsiders can be described as skeptical and blunt.   Despite the relatively small size of the population, the community has managed to sustain itself for over 1500 years. This longevity can be attributed to the careful management of resources and the harmonious relationship that the Elves have with their natural environment. The residents of Erfelion are organized into a single district, and the town is governed by a council of elders.   Erfelion's primary race is the Wood Elf, and there are no other significant humanoid populations in the area. The closest village of Dwarves, which has long been believed to be extinct, consists of only 15 individuals and is unaware of the Elves' existence. The Elves, however, are aware of the Dwarves and maintain a respectful distance.   Of the 1,733 residents of Erfelion, 1,245 live in urban areas, while the remaining 488 live in rural areas. The settlement has a relatively low known criminal population, with only 14 known offenders. Erfelion's primary building style is thatched, with wooden structures serving as secondary building styles. The community values cleanliness and tidiness, and its architecture reflects that with well-appointed buildings.


Erfelion is governed by a council of elders, each representing one of the various clans that make up the Wood Elf population. The council meets regularly to discuss matters of policy and law, and to make decisions for the settlement as a whole. The council is led by a chief elder, who is chosen by consensus among the other elders based on their experience, wisdom, and ability to lead.   Erfelion's laws are based on a system of customary law and precedent, with the council of elders serving as the final arbiter of disputes. Punishments for breaking the law can range from fines or banishment to more severe measures such as corporal punishment or exile.   Taxation in Erfelion is minimal, with the council of elders relying primarily on voluntary contributions from the wood elf population. The council may also impose levies on trade or on specific industries, but such measures are rare and typically reserved for times of crisis.   Erfelion's organization is largely based on traditional clan structures, with each clan responsible for its own affairs and contributing to the larger community as a whole. Clans are often associated with specific crafts or professions, such as farming, hunting, or crafting, and work together to ensure the survival and prosperity of the settlement. The council of elders serves as a mediator and coordinator among the various clans, working to ensure that everyone's needs are met and that the settlement as a whole remains strong and vibrant.


Erfelion's defenses are primarily natural, with the foothills and narrow river providing a barrier against invasion. The settlement has no walls or palisades, relying instead on its hidden location and the natural barriers. However, there are several watchtowers throughout the settlement that allow for quick response to any threats that may arise.   In addition to the watchtowers, Erfelion has a network of underground tunnels that serve as both escape routes and ambush points. These tunnels were carved out by the first settlers of Erfelion and have been expanded over time. They are known only to the most trusted members of the settlement and are kept secret from outsiders.   The narrow river that runs along the settlement's edge is also utilized as a defense mechanism. It is too deep and swift to be easily crossed, and the elves of Erfelion have constructed several small bridges that can be raised or lowered to control access. The river also provides a natural moat, making it difficult for attackers to approach from the east.   Overall, Erfelion's defenses are subtle and unassuming, designed to keep the settlement hidden and protected rather than to repel attackers with brute force.


Erfelion's infrastructure is relatively simple and straightforward, as the community is small and remote. The primary mode of transportation is on foot or on horseback, and the village is connected by a network of wood-lined roads. These roads are well-maintained, and the local government takes great care to ensure that they are kept clear of debris and obstructions.   One of the most impressive pieces of infrastructure in Erfelion is its system of irrigation. The village relies on a combination of furrow irrigation and rainwater harvesting to water its crops, which include kaniwa, quinoa, and celery. The local farmers are highly skilled at managing water resources, and they work together to ensure that each field receives the appropriate amount of water.   Erfelion has only one district, which is primarily industrial in nature. The district is home to a handful of small workshops where the local artisans ply their trade. These workshops produce everything from handcrafted jewelry to finely crafted bows and arrows. The district is also home to a small number of forges, where the village blacksmiths work to produce tools and weapons for the community.   Overall, Erfelion's infrastructure is basic but effective. The community is self-sufficient and relies on its own resources to meet its needs. The villagers take great pride in their ability to provide for themselves and their families, and they work hard to maintain their way of life.


Erfelion is a small settlement with only one district, which is named "Cefn-Arddu" in the Elvish language spoken in the region. The name roughly translates to "Black Ridge" and refers to the rocky hill that looms over the district. Cefn-Arddu is the beating heart of the settlement, where most of the elves live and work. The district is further divided into several informal sub-districts, each with their own unique character and function.   The formal governance of Erfelion is a council of elders, known as the "Nohwihnna", which roughly translates to "Wise Ones" in Elvish. The Nohwihnna consists of five of the most respected and experienced members of the community. The council meets regularly to discuss and make decisions that affect the settlement as a whole. However, day-to-day affairs are usually handled by informal leaders within the community who are respected for their expertise or influence in particular areas, such as agriculture, trade, or defense.


Stone Quarries

  • Quarry of Travertine
  • 20 workers

Ore Mines

  • Forage Mining for Antimony
  • 8 workers


  • Goats


  • Cool Seasons: Kaniwa and Quinoa
  • Stem Vegetables: Celery

Natural Resources

  • Metamorphic Stones: Quartzite
  • Sedimentary Stones: Travertine and Caliche
  • Minerals: Potash and Sodium
  • Metals: Antimony
  • Semi-Precious Gems: Aquamarine


  • Prey: Squirrels, Rat, and Moose
  • Predators: Cougar
  • Aquatic Animals: Trout, Pike, Catfish, and Clams


  • Trees: Peach Tree, Hackberry, Locust, Dogwood, and Aspen
  • Grass: Grey Fescue Grass, Blue Fescue Grass, and Pampas Grass
  • Shrubs: Bean Bush, Aucuba, Tomato Plant, and Hornbeam Maple
  • Moss: Fire Moss and Tamarisk Moss
  • Vines: Tara Vine and Traveller's Joy
  The assets of Erfelion are diverse and valuable. The settlement has stone quarries that produce travertine and employ 20 workers. They also have forage mines for antimony, which employ 8 workers. Erfelion's livestock consists of goats, and their crops include cool season grains like kaniwa and quinoa, as well as stem vegetables such as celery.   Erfelion is rich in natural resources, including metamorphic stones like quartzite, sedimentary stones like travertine and caliche, minerals like potash and sodium, and metals like antimony. They also have access to semi-precious gems like aquamarine.   The surrounding wilderness provides ample opportunities for hunting and fishing. Erfelion's prey includes squirrels, rats, and moose, while their predators include cougars. Aquatic animals such as trout, pike, catfish, and clams can be found in nearby bodies of water.   The flora of Erfelion includes various trees such as peach, hackberry, locust, dogwood, and aspen. Grasses like grey fescue, blue fescue, and pampas grow in abundance, as do shrubs such as bean bush, aucuba, tomato plant, and hornbeam maple. Fire moss and tamarisk moss can also be found, along with vines like tara vine and traveller's joy.

Points of interest

Sure, here's an example section for the Points of Interest in Erfelion:  

Points of Interest


Special Features

  • Hózhó's Blessing: A small waterfall located just outside the settlement that is believed to be blessed by the Navajo deity of beauty and harmony, Hózhó. The wood elves of Erfelion often gather here to meditate and connect with the natural world.
  • The Heart of the Ancient Wood: A giant elm tree of unimaginable size located beyond the eastern mountain range, in the heart of the Ancient Wood. This tree is the destination for many of their pilgrimages and is thought to be an avatar of a long-forgotten nature deity. The wood elves of Erfelion believe that the tree is a source of powerful magic and protect it fiercely.
  • The Silver Vein: A silver mine located deep in the mountains to the east of Erfelion. The mine is believed to be the source of the elves' magical silver, which they use to craft their weapons and other enchanted items. The wood elves of Erfelion guard the mine carefully, as it is their most valuable resource.
  • The Hidden Valley: A lush valley hidden in the mountains to the east of Erfelion, accessible only by a treacherous mountain pass. The wood elves of Erfelion have built a secret village in this valley, where they train their elite warriors and craft their most powerful magical items.


Architecture in Erfelion is simple yet practical, reflecting the values of its Wood Elf inhabitants. The primary building style is thatched, with wooden secondary building styles also seen throughout the settlement. Buildings are constructed to be well-appointed and tidy, reflecting the elves' appreciation for aesthetic beauty.   The walls of buildings in Erfelion are constructed from a variety of materials, including locally sourced stone and wood. Stone buildings are typically made from quartzite, travertine, or caliche, while wooden buildings are made from the likes of hackberry, locust, dogwood, and aspen.   Adornments on buildings in Erfelion are often understated but tasteful, with residents preferring to let the natural beauty of the settlement speak for itself. Brightly colored doors and shutters can be found on some buildings, adding a splash of color to the otherwise muted aesthetic.


Nestled in the sloping foothills of a great mountain range, Erfelion is a land of enchanting natural beauty. The landscape is a mixture of grasslands and woodlands, dotted with towering trees, flowing streams, and tranquil meadows. To the west of the settlement lies the shimmering blue expanse of a great lake, teeming with life and providing the Wood Elves with a bountiful source of fresh water and fish. To the east lies a dense forest of towering evergreens and aspens, while to the north, the rugged and rocky peaks of Mount Iquasilath dominate the horizon.   The land around Erfelion is a patchwork of hills and valleys, rolling plains and rugged terrain, and this varied topography has given rise to a diverse array of wildlife. Herds of elk and deer roam the grasslands, while predatory cougars lurk in the shadows of the trees. Squirrels and rats scurry across the forest floor, while mighty moose graze on the lush grasses of the meadows. The streams and lake are home to a variety of fish, including trout, pike, catfish, and clams, while the skies are filled with the songs of countless birds.   Despite the beauty of the natural landscape, the Wood Elves of Erfelion are ever aware of the dangers that lurk beyond their borders. Fierce monsters and giants roam the mountain passes to the east, while bandits and raiders prowl the wilds to the north and south. To protect themselves and their precious home, the Wood Elves have constructed a series of watchtowers and defensive structures along their borders, and the warriors of Erfelion are always vigilant and ready to defend their land from any who would threaten it.


Erfelion lies in a cool temperate forest, where the average annual temperature is around 37 degrees Fahrenheit. The forest is known for its long winters and heavy snowfall, with an average of eight feet of snow per year. The forest is surrounded by foothills, and a narrow river runs through the area, providing fresh water and a natural defense for the settlement.   The climate in Erfelion is generally stable throughout the year, with distinct seasons of summer, fall, winter, and spring. Prevailing winds blow northwest to southeast, bringing cool breezes that provide relief from the summer heat. The forest's natural beauty is enhanced by the climate, with autumn leaves painting the trees in shades of red and gold, and winter snows transforming the forest into a winter wonderland.   The climate and terrain of Erfelion are challenging, but the hardy wood elves have adapted and thrived in this environment for generations. They have developed a deep connection with the land and the cycles of nature, and their culture is infused with a reverence for the forest and its inhabitants.

Natural Resources

Erfelion is blessed with an abundance of natural resources that sustain its inhabitants and provide for their economic needs. The forested areas surrounding the settlement yield an array of high-quality wood that is used for construction and crafting. The rolling hills are home to flocks of sheep that provide wool, meat, and dairy products, while the fields are cultivated to grow a variety of grains such as kaniwa and quinoa.   However, it is the minerals and metals found in the earth that are the true treasures of Erfelion. The quarries provide a steady supply of travertine and caliche, which are used in construction and ornamentation. The mines, although not numerous, yield precious metals such as antimony, as well as minerals like potash and sodium. The natural beauty and the bounty of the earth are a constant reminder to the elves of their connection to nature and the importance of responsible resource management.   The freshwater river and lake provide sustenance in the form of trout, pike, catfish, and clams, as well as providing a source of water for irrigation and other needs. The lush vegetation of the area provides a habitat for a variety of creatures, from squirrels and rats to the majestic moose. The natural resources of Erfelion have allowed its inhabitants to thrive and build a prosperous and self-sufficient community.
Inhabitant Demonym
Eeyani (/eɪjɑːni/)


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