Ancient Wood

The Ancient Wood, believed to be an aspect of an elder nature deity long forgotten, stood as a symbol of the natural world's wonders. The Chokurri Elves, recognizing the auspicious nature of the Ancient Wood, dedicated themselves to cherishing and protecting it. Over time, this sacred grove became the heart of their culture and the center of their devotion.

Divine Domains

The Ancient Wood's divine domains included Nature, Life, and Protection. As an aspect of an elder nature deity, the Ancient Wood embodied the essence of the natural world and the cycles of life, while also providing a sanctuary for those who sought refuge within its sacred grove.


The Staff of the Grove: A powerful artifact crafted from a branch of the Ancient Wood, the Staff of the Grove granted its wielder the ability to commune with nature and command the elements.   The Amulet of the Watcher: Worn by the elves' spiritual leaders, this amulet depicted the Silent Watcher and bestowed upon its wearer the wisdom and foresight of the Ancient Wood.

Holy Books & Codes

The Song of the Leaves: This collection of poems and songs celebrated the Ancient Wood's beauty and wisdom and detailed the elves' responsibilities towards it.   The Lore of the Roots: A compilation of ancient myths and legends, the Lore of the Roots traced the origins of the Ancient Wood and recounted the history of the Chokurri Elves.   The Oath of the Greenlord: The sacred oath sworn by Greenlord Oberon to protect the Chokurri Elves and the Ancient Wood, this text enshrined the alliance between the Fourth Fairy Kingdom and the elves.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Rooted Crown: Symbolizing the intertwining of the Ancient Wood's roots and branches, the Rooted Crown became the emblem of the deity's protective embrace.   The Verdant Spiral: A spiral of green leaves represented the eternal cycle of growth and decay, connecting the Ancient Wood to the elves' beliefs about life and the natural world.   The Silent Watcher: Depicting an owl perched on a branch, the Silent Watcher symbolized the wisdom and vigilance of the Ancient Wood.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Honor and protect the Ancient Wood, as it represents the wisdom and beauty of the natural world.
  2. Seek harmony with nature, respecting the cycles of life and the interconnectedness of all living beings.
  3. Uphold the sacred alliance with the Fourth Fairy Kingdom, remembering Greenlord Oberon's vow to defend the Ancient Wood and the Chokurri Elves.


  1. Festival of the First Bloom: Held at the beginning of spring, the Festival of the First Bloom celebrated the rejuvenation of the Ancient Wood and the surrounding forest. Elves adorned themselves with flowers and leaves, participating in rituals to bless the new growth and ensure a bountiful season. Inspired by Celtic Beltane traditions, bonfires were lit to symbolize the return of warmth and light, while dancing and feasting continued long into the night.
  3. The Great Gathering: Drawing inspiration from the Navajo Kinaaldá ceremony, The Great Gathering was a week-long celebration of community and connection held during the autumn harvest season. Elves from far and wide traveled to the Ancient Wood to share stories, exchange knowledge, and strengthen their bonds with the sacred grove. A key component of the festivities involved a communal weaving project, where each participant contributed a strand to create a vibrant tapestry symbolizing the interconnectedness of all life.

    Verse 1:
    In the heart of ancient land, where the Chokurri stand,
    A sacred grove of old does lie, 'neath the starlit sky.
    An elder tree so fair and wise, reaching for the skies,
    Guardians we shall be, for all eternity.   Chorus:
    Oh, Ancient Wood, our solemn vow,
    To protect and guard thee now.
    Through the ages, we shall stand,
    In the heart of this sacred land.   Verse 2:
    With the seasons' change and turn, lessons we shall learn,
    From the whispers on the breeze, secrets of the trees.
    As the Greenlord did bequeath, the oath that lies beneath,
    Our hearts forever bound, to the hallowed ground.   Chorus:
    Oh, Ancient Wood, our solemn vow,
    To protect and guard thee now.
    Through the ages, we shall stand,
    In the heart of this sacred land.   Verse 3:
    When the shadows stretch and fall, and darkness comes to call,
    We will stand as one, 'neath the silver moon and sun.
    For the promise we did make, a bond we'll never break,
    In the heart of the Ancient Wood, our pledge, our brotherhood.   Chorus:
    Oh, Ancient Wood, our solemn vow,
    To protect and guard thee now.
    Through the ages, we shall stand,
    In the heart of this sacred land.
  5. Night of the Whispering Shadows: In the depths of winter, the Chokurri Elves observed the Night of the Whispering Shadows, a solemn occasion to honor the spirits of the Ancient Wood and their ancestors. Similar to the Celtic Samhain, this holiday marked the thinning of the veil between the living and the spirit world. The elves gathered around the Ancient Wood, lighting candles and offering prayers, while listening closely to the whispers of the past carried on the cold winter winds.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The primary goal of the Ancient Wood was to preserve and protect the natural world, ensuring that the Chokurri Elves and their allies maintained a harmonious relationship with their environment. By safeguarding the sacred grove and upholding the tenets of their faith, the elves sought to honor the Ancient Wood and the elder nature deity it represented.



Sworn Brother (Vital)

Towards Ancient Wood



Ancient Wood

Sworn Brother (Vital)

Towards Oberon




  1. The First Meeting: Long ago, when the world was still young, the Greenlord Oberon ventured far from his Fairy Kingdom, drawn by whispers of a wondrous wood. As he wandered through the grove, he came upon the Ancient Wood, a being of pure wisdom and mystery. Oberon, a lover of all living creatures, was captivated by the Wood's aura of enchantment. He approached the Ancient Wood and, with a voice like rustling leaves, the tree spoke to him of the beauty of nature and the harmony of the wild. They spent days talking and learning from one another, and Oberon was filled with awe and admiration. When the time came for the Greenlord to depart, they swore an oath of brotherhood, vowing to protect and cherish one another's realms.
  3. The Beast of the Twilight Glade: One fateful evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, a fearsome beast emerged from the shadows, threatening the peace of the Ancient Wood's sacred grove. Hearing of the danger, Oberon rushed to his brother's aid. He called upon his innate connection with nature and his mastery over beasts, taming the monstrous creature that had wreaked havoc in the grove. With gentle words and a tender touch, Oberon calmed the beast's wild heart, transforming it into a loyal companion. The Greenlord entrusted the beast to the Ancient Wood, as a symbol of their brotherly bond and a guardian for the sacred grove.
  5. The Whimsical Woodland Ball: Under the silvery light of the full Moon, the Ancient Wood and Oberon decided to celebrate their centuries of friendship with a grand festival. The enchanted grove came alive with music and laughter, as fairies and elves gathered to dance and sing. The Greenlord Oberon, ever the lover of whimsy, had transformed the woodland creatures into a spectacular orchestra, their melodies enchanting all who heard them. The Ancient Wood, in turn, revealed its most hidden and beautiful secrets, mesmerizing the guests with its ethereal charms. As the night wore on, the sworn brothers reveled in their camaraderie, the bond between them growing stronger than ever.

Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Death
1526 PE
Circumstances of Death
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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