
the Unraveler of Cosmos

Once a prime figure of Celestial might and cosmic destruction, the Deity Jandara now exists as a fading echo of his former self. Known as the Unraveler of Cosmos, Jandara was the once-potent ruler of an ancient Videhan kingdom in the world of Rolara. The deity is most recognized for his Universe-Ending Javelin, a weapon of untold power that had the potential to unravel the very fabric of existence.

Divine Domains

Jandara was the god of cosmic destruction and storms, holding dominion over the Elemental forces of the cosmos. With his decline, most of his domains have waned, but he is still revered in some regions as a deity of storms and chaos.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Jandara is often symbolized by the image of a cosmic whirl, a representation of the turmoil and destructive power he once wielded. This symbol is frequently seen etched into ancient Videhan structures and artifacts, serving as a grim reminder of a bygone era. His Universe-Ending Javelin, despite its current unknown location, also serves as a potent symbol of his former glory. The javelin is typically represented as a straight rod ending in a sharp point, surrounded by a spiral of cosmic energy.


Despite the loss of his power, legends of Jandara's might continue to circulate. Stories tell of his battles with Celestial beings, and his use of the Universe-Ending Javelin to reshape entire regions of the cosmos. The location of the javelin remains a mystery, and it has become a sought-after artifact for adventurers and scholars alike.   There are no holidays typically associated with Jandara specifically, but in the region of Videha, he is invoked during many other holidays in minor ways. Jandara's worship varies. In some areas, he is regarded as a figure of folklore and superstition, while in others, he is venerated as a symbol of nature's uncontrolled power.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Jandara was both feared and respected by other deities. His weapon was a source of constant concern, leading to numerous attempts to steal or control it. This led to a somewhat tense relationship with other Celestial beings.   However, due to his current diminished state, most deities view Jandara with a mix of pity and relief. His interactions with mortals are rare, but those who have encountered him describe the Deity as having a surprising sense of humor, often making light of his past and his current state of affairs.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Jandara's appearance belies his formidable power. He typically manifests as a small, rotund man with a jovial grin, adorned in simple robes. His hair is unkempt, and his eyes, although sparkling with a mischievous glint, seem to hold the weight of ancient secrets. Despite the diminutive stature and harmless appearance, ancient artistic depictions show him as a figure of terrifying might, armed with his Universe-Ending Javelin, a storm of cosmic energy raging around him.
Divine Classification


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