
The Dreamborn

In the tapestry of life that is Rolara, the Kalashtar are threads of dreams woven into the fabric of reality. Born under the luminescent gaze of the Principle of Oneiric Convergence, they are children of two worlds - the physical realm we all share, and the ethereal dreamscapes that exist within the aetheric plane.   Their eyes, shimmering with the hues of dreams, hold a depth that transcends the mundane. It's as if they gaze not just upon the world before them, but also into the myriad dream realities that coexist alongside our own. Their hair, too, carries the dreamy quality, flowing and shifting like the landscapes of a dream, catching the light in a way that seems almost otherworldly.   From their earliest memories, the Kalashtar learn to navigate the dreamscapes with an ease that others might envy. They walk the paths of dreams, converse with their inhabitants, and bring back knowledge and insights that can seem baffling to those not versed in the language of dreams.   Their connection to the realm of dreams grants them a unique gift - the ability to communicate telepathically. They reach out with their minds, their thoughts resonating with the collective unconscious, allowing them to share ideas and emotions without uttering a single word.   Yet, their gift is also a responsibility. They stand as guardians at the threshold of dreams, sensitive to the ripples and echoes that events in the physical world create in the dreamscapes. They bear witness to the Oneiric Manifestations, the elements of dreams that bleed into reality, and strive to understand their implications.   The Kalashtar, with their dream-born heritage and oneiric abilities, add a layer of mystery and intrigue to the world of Rolara. They are dreamers and seers, explorers of the mind's uncharted territories, and their stories are as captivating as the dreams they traverse.

Basic Information


The Kalashtar, while born to human parents, are a testament to the extraordinary interplay of physical reality and ethereal dreamscapes. Their anatomy and morphology, subtly different from their human kin, are a physical manifestation of their dream-born lineage.  
Physical Appearance
At first glance, Kalashtar are indistinguishable from humans. However, upon closer inspection, subtle differences become apparent. Their eyes, imbued with an ethereal quality, seem to hold a depth that transcends the mundane, as if they gaze upon unseen realities. Their hair, too, carries a dreamy quality, catching the light in a way that seems almost otherworldly. These subtle differences, while beautiful, can sometimes cause fear and misunderstanding among those unfamiliar with the Kalashtar.  
A unique feature of the Kalashtar is their Dreamglow. This physical manifestation of their connection to the dreamscapes is visible in the dreamy quality of their eyes and hair. The intensity of the Dreamglow varies among individuals and can fluctuate based on their emotional state or proximity to the dreamscapes. This unique trait, while a source of awe for some, can also lead to fear and misunderstanding, especially among those who are unaware of the Kalashtar's unique heritage.  
Telepathic Abilities
The Kalashtar's connection to the realm of dreams grants them a unique gift - the ability to communicate telepathically. This ability, while a boon, can also lead to fear and misunderstanding, especially if revealed to those unfamiliar with the Kalashtar. However, many Kalashtar use this ability to guide and lead their communities, often serving as local leaders.  
Sensitivity to Dream Echoes and Oneiric Manifestations
Kalashtar are particularly sensitive to Dream Echoes and Oneiric Manifestations. This sensitivity, while sometimes causing fear and misunderstanding, also positions them as guardians of their communities, able to perceive threats others cannot. This often leads to them being recognized as local leaders, their unique abilities serving to protect and guide those around them.

Biological Traits

The Kalashtar of Rolara, with their innate connection to the realm of dreams, are naturally attuned to the Principle of Oneiric Convergence. This metaphysical law is not just a concept for them, but a tangible reality they experience every day.   Dreamborn: Kalashtar are often referred to as "Dreamborn" due to their unique birthright. From a young age, they exhibit an uncanny ability to navigate the dreamscapes, making them natural Oneiric Navigators. Their dreams are more vivid and tangible compared to those of other races, and they can recall them with remarkable clarity.   Telepathic Communication: The Kalashtar's ability to communicate telepathically is a manifestation of their connection to the dreamscapes. They tap into the collective unconscious in the aetheric plane, allowing them to transmit thoughts and emotions directly to another's mind. This ability is most potent when the recipient is asleep or in a dreamlike state.   Dreamglow: The dreamy quality of the Kalashtar's eyes and hair is a physical manifestation of their connection to the dreamscapes. This is their personal Dreamglow, a visible sign of their oneiric nature. The intensity of the Dreamglow varies among individuals and can fluctuate based on their emotional state or proximity to the dreamscapes.   Dream Echoes and Oneiric Manifestations: Kalashtar are particularly sensitive to Dream Echoes and Oneiric Manifestations. They often find themselves at the center of shared dreams and are more likely to witness elements from the dreamscapes bleeding into the physical world.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
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Author's Notes

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