
Mordrakas (a.k.a. the Thoughtstealer)

Emerging from the oppressive darkness of the Deepdark, a figure of terror and power has ascended to the realm of the Shadowfell. This is Mordrakas, the Thoughtstealer, a Dark Lord whose name sends shivers down the spines of even the bravest warriors. Once an enigmatic Mind Flayer lurking in the depths, Mordrakas has transformed into a formidable force under the shadowy influence of the Shadowfell.   His rise to power has been marked by a dark alliance with Tah'Caluss Yorn, a devoted Shadar-Kai follower of the Raven Queen. This pact, sealed in shadows and whispers, has seen Mordrakas ascend to the position of Yorn's lieutenant, a role that he fulfills with a chilling blend of cunning, psychic prowess, and arcane mastery.   Mordrakas is the unseen hand behind Yorn's machinations, the psychic force that propels their dark agenda. He infiltrates the minds of their enemies, sowing chaos and confusion, while his arcane spells wreak havoc on the battlefield. His actions serve to further Yorn's mysterious goals, his loyalty to his master seemingly unwavering.   Yet, beneath the veneer of servitude, Mordrakas harbors ambitions of his own. He is not content to remain a lieutenant forever; he dreams of a future where he holds the reins of power. And so, he bides his time, his outward loyalty masking his inner machinations. He serves Yorn, but he also serves himself, nurturing his ambitions and waiting for the perfect moment to seize control.  

Bound by Dark Oaths:

In the gloom of the Shadowfell, a figure emerged from the darkness, a silhouette of fey mystery and power. This was Tah'Caluss Yorn, the Master of the Murkwrought Marauders, his presence a chilling whisper in the shadowy realm. He approached Mordrakas, the Thoughtstealer, his smoky quartz eyes gleaming with an offer too enticing to resist.   Tah'Caluss Yorn, with his arcane knowledge and command over the shadows, presented a pact to Mordrakas. It was a promise of power, a lure of arcane secrets that would augment the illithid's already formidable psychic abilities. In exchange, Mordrakas would pledge his loyalty and service, becoming a lieutenant in Tah'Caluss's shadowy army.   Mordrakas, ever the opportunist, was drawn to the promise of power and knowledge. He saw in Tah'Caluss's offer a chance to transcend his illithid nature, to wield powers that were beyond the reach of his kin. And so, he entered into the pact, his fate now intertwined with that of his new master.   Yet, even as he serves Tah'Caluss Yorn, Mordrakas remains ever vigilant, his alien mind constantly scheming and plotting. He is bound by his dark oath, but he is not a simple servant. He is a master of deception, a manipulator of minds, and he is always on the lookout for opportunities to further his own interests.   The powers granted to him by Tah'Caluss are a double-edged sword, a source of strength but also a potential weapon to be turned against his master. Mordrakas knows this, and he bides his time, waiting for the moment when he can seize control and claim the powers for himself. His loyalty to Tah'Caluss is a facade, a mask worn to hide his true intentions.  

Master of Deception:

The Thoughtstealer is a master of deception, a puppeteer who pulls the strings of the minds he infiltrates. His psychic abilities, honed to a razor's edge, allow him to slip into the thoughts of his enemies as easily as a shadow slips into the night. Once inside, he weaves a web of chaos and confusion, manipulating perceptions and bending wills to his own nefarious purposes.   As Tah'Caluss Yorn's lieutenant, Mordrakas is the unseen hand behind many of their victories. He is the whisper in the ear of their enemies, the doubt that gnaws at their resolve, the fear that clouds their judgment. His psychic intrusions sow discord within the ranks of their foes, turning allies against each other and creating openings for his master's machinations.   But Mordrakas's manipulations are not limited to the battlefield. He is a master of intrigue, using his psychic abilities to influence the politics of the Shadowfell. He plants seeds of doubt and suspicion, subtly steering events in favor of his master. His manipulations are so skillful, so subtle, that few realize they are being manipulated until it is too late.  

Arcane Lieutenant:

Empowered by the arcane secrets gleaned from his dark pact with Tah'Caluss Yorn, Mordrakas stands as a formidable bulwark in the service of his master. He is the arcane lieutenant, the vanguard of the shadowy fey figure, wielding a potent blend of magic that serves to shield his master and further their shared, dark ambitions.   Mordrakas's arsenal of spells is as diverse as it is deadly. From destructive offensive magic that can lay waste to their foes, to subtle enchantments that can manipulate and deceive, his command over the arcane is a force to be reckoned with. These spells, combined with his innate psychic abilities, make Mordrakas a threat on multiple fronts, a foe who can attack both the mind and the body.   Yet, Mordrakas is more than just a wielder of magic. He is a strategist, using his spells and psychic powers to control the battlefield and dictate the terms of engagement. He is the unseen hand that guides the course of battle, the shadowy figure that lurks behind the front lines, orchestrating the chaos with a master's touch.  

A Loyal Servant...For Now:

Mordrakas stands as a pillar of strength beside Tah'Caluss Yorn, his arcane and psychic might serving to propel the enigmatic Shadar-Kai's shadowy ambitions. His loyalty, unwavering on the surface, has proven invaluable in the pursuit of Yorn's mysterious goals. Yet, beneath the facade of fealty, a different story unfolds.   Mordrakas is not a simple servant, bound by chains of loyalty. He is a schemer, a plotter, a mind flayer with ambitions that reach beyond the shadows of his current station. He serves Tah'Caluss Yorn, yes, but not out of blind loyalty. His service is a means to an end, a path that he treads with the ultimate goal of amassing enough power to break free from his bonds.   In the dark corners of his alien mind, Mordrakas dreams of a future where he is not the servant, but the master. He envisions a world where he holds the reins of power, where he is the one pulling the strings. And so, he bides his time, his outward loyalty masking his inner machinations. He waits for the perfect moment, the opportune time to seize control and claim the power that he believes is rightfully his.   In the end, Mordrakas is a loyal servant...for now. But beneath the surface, he is a shadow in waiting, a threat that lurks in the darkness, biding its time until it can emerge and claim its place in the spotlight. He is a testament to the saying that the most dangerous enemy is the one you never see coming.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mordrakas, the Thoughtstealer, is a figure of terrifying power and alien beauty. His body, molded by fey shadows, is a testament to his illithid heritage and his time in the Shadowfell. He is fit and agile, his movements fluid and precise, a testament to his predatory nature. His body is devoid of any visible aids or abnormalities, a perfect specimen of his kind.

Facial Features

Mordrakas's face is a chilling sight to behold. His skin, tightened by the fey shadows, clings to his alien cheekbone structure, accentuating the otherworldly contours of his face. His eyes, once the typical white of the illithid, are now filled entirely with blood-red pupils, a haunting adaptation to the advanced darkness of the Shadowfell. They stare out, unblinking, a predator's gaze that sees all and misses nothing.   But the most disturbing feature of Mordrakas's face is undoubtedly his mouth. From his bottom lip grow a cluster of tentacles, a sickening goatee of pinkish worms that writhe and twitch with a life of their own. They are a constant reminder of his illithid heritage, a grotesque testament to his alien nature. This combination of humanoid and alien features makes Mordrakas a truly terrifying figure, a Dark Lord whose appearance is as chilling as his reputation.

Specialized Equipment

In the hands of Mordrakas, the Thoughtstealer, is a weapon as unique and terrifying as its wielder. Under the tutelage of his master, Tah'Caluss Yorn, Mordrakas has crafted a twisted version of a Sunblade, a testament to his arcane prowess and his mastery of the shadowy fey Magic of the Shadowfell.   He calls it his Arcane Blade, a name that belies the true nature of this fearsome weapon. Instead of the radiant light typically associated with a Sunblade, Mordrakas's weapon emits a beam of dark, screaming force energy. The blade is a manifestation of the Shadowfell itself, a swirling vortex of darkness that devours the light.   The Arcane Blade is not just a weapon; it is an extension of Mordrakas himself. It resonates with his own dark energy, its screams echoing the silent cries of the minds he has devoured. Each swing of the blade is a dance of death, its dark energy cutting through flesh and bone as easily as it cuts through the light.   The Arcane Blade is a testament to Mordrakas's power and his devotion to his master. It is a symbol of his status as a Dark Lord, a reminder of the dark pact he has made. It is a weapon to be feared, a weapon that embodies the terrifying power of Mordrakas, the Thoughtstealer.

Mental characteristics


As an illithid, Mordrakas is fundamentally different from most humanoid species in terms of reproduction and sexuality. Illithids are sexless and reproduce through a process called ceremorphosis, which involves the implantation of a mature tadpole into a humanoid host. This process is devoid of any sexual or romantic connotations, serving purely as a means of propagation.   However, Mordrakas's relationship with Midal, Tah'Caluss Yorn's second youngest child, introduces a new dimension to his character. While Mordrakas does not experience sexual attraction in the way that humanoids do, he appears to derive a form of satisfaction from their relationship. This satisfaction likely stems from the taboo nature of their affair and the attention he receives from Midal, rather than any physical attraction.   Mordrakas's relationship with Midal could be seen as a form of psychological gratification. As a mind flayer, Mordrakas is a master of manipulation and control, and his relationship with Midal allows him to exercise these skills. He enjoys the power dynamics of their relationship, the thrill of manipulating a psychopathic villain, and the intrigue of their secret affair.   In terms of sexual orientation, Mordrakas could be considered asexual, given his lack of sexual attraction. However, his relationship with Midal suggests a form of psychological attraction, a fascination with the mind and the power dynamics of their relationship. This could be seen as a form of psychological orientation, a unique perspective that reflects Mordrakas's illithid nature and his time in the Shadowfell.   In essence, Mordrakas's approach to sexuality and sexual orientation is as complex and enigmatic as the Thoughtstealer himself. It is a reflection of his illithid nature, his time in the Shadowfell, and his unique relationship with Midal. It is a testament to the complexity of his character, a Dark Lord whose motivations and desires defy conventional understanding.

Morality & Philosophy

Mordrakas, the Thoughtstealer, embodies a morality and philosophy as alien and enigmatic as his illithid heritage. His worldview is shaped by his eldritch origins and his time in the Shadowfell, resulting in a unique perspective that defies conventional understanding.   At the heart of Mordrakas's morality is a deep-seated belief in the pursuit of knowledge and power. As an illithid, he values intellect above all else, viewing it as the ultimate measure of worth. This belief extends to his actions, with Mordrakas willing to go to any lengths to acquire knowledge and power, regardless of the cost to others. This disregard for others is typical of Illithids, who view other creatures as nothing more than sources of sustenance.   However, Mordrakas's morality is not entirely devoid of principles. His service to Tah'Caluss Yorn and his Worship of the Raven Queen suggest a form of loyalty, albeit one that is likely driven by self-interest. Furthermore, his pact with Tah'Caluss and his transformation in the Shadowfell suggest a willingness to adapt and change, to forsake his eldritch heritage in pursuit of Greater Power.   Mordrakas's philosophy is similarly shadowy and complex. He views the world through a lens of shadows and secrets, believing that true power lies in the unknown and the unseen. He values deception and manipulation, viewing them as tools to achieve his goals. He sees life as a game of power and control, with the winners being those who can master the shadows and uncover the secrets of the world.   In essence, Mordrakas's morality and philosophy are a reflection of his eldritch origins and his time in the Shadowfell. They are a testament to his pursuit of knowledge and power, his disregard for others, and his belief in the power of shadows and secrets. They are the guiding principles of a Dark Lord, a testament to the terrifying power and mystery of Mordrakas, the Thoughtstealer.


Religious Views

Mordrakas, the Thoughtstealer, is an anomaly among his kind, a deviant who has strayed far from the path typical of his illithid kin. His alliance with Tah'Caluss Yorn has led him to something truly unnatural for a mind flayer: worship of a deity, specifically, the Raven Queen.   The Raven Queen, a deity associated with death, fate, and winter, is an unusual choice for an illithid. Illithids, with their hive mind mentality and alien nature, typically do not worship deities. However, Mordrakas, with his unique individuality and his pact with Tah'Caluss, has found a connection with the Raven Queen.   This connection is not just a matter of faith; it is a source of power. Through his Worship of the Raven Queen, Mordrakas has gained a portion of his power, augmenting his already formidable psionic and arcane abilities. His devotion to the Queen is evident to those who spend any time around him. The Queen's ravens, symbols of her watchful gaze, are often seen circling above him, their dark eyes ever watchful, their presence a constant reminder of his allegiance.   However, the true motivations behind Mordrakas's worship of the Raven Queen are as enigmatic as the Thoughtstealer himself. Is it a genuine devotion, born out of respect and admiration? Or is it a calculated move, a means to an end in his quest for power? The answers to these questions are buried deep within the labyrinthine recesses of Mordrakas's mind, hidden beneath layers of deception and intrigue. One thing, however, is clear: Mordrakas's connection to the Raven Queen has made him an even more formidable figure, a Dark Lord whose power is matched only by his mystery.



Lieutenant (Important)

Towards Tah'Caluss Yorn



Tah'Caluss Yorn

Master (Important)

Towards Mordrakas




Tah'Caluss Yorn and Mordrakas the Thoughtstealer's relationship began with a chance meeting in the Shadowfell. Tah'Caluss, ever the opportunist, saw potential in the illithid's psychic and arcane prowess. Mordrakas, on the other hand, was intrigued by the Shadar-Kai's power and the promise of arcane knowledge.   Their meeting led to a dark pact, with Mordrakas forsaking his eldritch heritage to serve Tah'Caluss. The pact granted Mordrakas arcane knowledge and power in exchange for his loyalty and service. This pact not only bound Mordrakas to Tah'Caluss but also transformed him, his body molded by fey shadows, turning him into an entity of evil and shadows.   Despite the dark nature of their pact, Mordrakas proved to be a valuable asset to Tah'Caluss. As his lieutenant, Mordrakas utilized his psychic powers and arcane mastery to advance Tah'Caluss's schemes. However, beneath his loyalty, Mordrakas harbored his own ambitions, ever watchful for opportunities to seize control for himself.   Their relationship, while based on power and ambition, has proven to be mutually beneficial. Tah'Caluss gained a powerful ally in Mordrakas, while the Thoughtstealer gained access to arcane knowledge and power. However, the balance of their relationship is precarious, hinging on the fulfillment of their individual ambitions and the continuation of their dark pact.

Relationship Reasoning

The pact between Tah'Caluss Yorn and Mordrakas is shrouded in mystery and shadows, much like the individuals involved. It is a relationship born out of mutual benefit, but also one that is tinged with hidden agendas and ulterior motives.   Mordrakas, the Thought Stealer, is a rare type of illithid, one who has supplemented his psionic power with arcane spells. His decision to forsake his eldritch heritage and serve Tah'Caluss Yorn was not made lightly. Mordrakas is driven by a thirst for knowledge and power, and his pact with Tah'Caluss offers him a unique opportunity to satiate his desires. However, his goals likely extend beyond mere power. As a Mind Flayer, Mordrakas is a master of manipulation and deception. He may be using his position as Tah'Caluss's lieutenant to further his own mysterious, eldritch goals, which could involve gaining control over the Shadowfell, or even usurping Tah'Caluss himself.   Tah'Caluss Yorn, on the other hand, is a master of shadows and secrets. His pact with Mordrakas serves his own ambitions, providing him with a powerful ally in his quest to merge the shadows with the light. However, Tah'Caluss is likely aware of Mordrakas's own ambitions, and he may be using the pact to keep a potential threat close at hand. Furthermore, having a powerful Mind Flayer as a servant enhances Tah'Caluss's own reputation and influence, making him an even more formidable figure in the Shadowfell.   In essence, their pact is a delicate balance of power and ambition, with each party using the other to further their own goals. It is a relationship marked by mutual benefit, but also by hidden agendas and potential betrayal. Only time will reveal the true nature of their pact and the dark, eldritch goals that lie beneath the surface.


Paramour (Important)

Towards Midal




Paramour (Vital)

Towards Mordrakas




The relationship between Mordrakas, the Thoughtstealer, and Midal, the forgotten daughter of Tah'Caluss Yorn, is a complex tapestry woven from threads of power, ambition, and taboo. Their paths first crossed in the shadowy realm of the Shadowfell, where Mordrakas served as a lieutenant to Midal's father. From their first encounter, there was a spark of intrigue, a mutual recognition of the darkness that dwelled within each other's hearts.   Midal, feeling overlooked by her father, was drawn to the power and mystery that Mordrakas embodied. She saw in him a reflection of her own ambition, her own desire to step out of her father's shadow. Mordrakas, on the other hand, was intrigued by Midal's resilience, her capacity to transform pain into power. He saw in her a potential ally, a tool to further his own ambitions.   Their relationship began as a dance of power and manipulation, each trying to use the other for their own ends. Mordrakas, with his psychic abilities and mastery of deception, sought to manipulate Midal, to use her as a pawn in his quest for power. Midal, however, proved to be more than just a pawn. She was a player in her own right, using her own cunning and ruthlessness to counter Mordrakas's manipulations.   Over time, their relationship evolved into something more complex. They became partners in crime, allies in their shared quest for power. They pushed each other to their limits, challenging each other, testing each other's boundaries. Their relationship was a dance of danger and excitement, a thrill that was as intoxicating as it was terrifying.   Yet, beneath the surface of their alliance, there was a deeper connection. Midal, despite her ruthless nature, found herself drawn to Mordrakas. She was fascinated by his alien nature, his mastery of the shadows. She found in him a kindred spirit, a mirror that reflected her own darkness. Mordrakas, for his part, found in Midal a source of amusement, a diversion from his usual machinations. He enjoyed the power dynamics of their relationship, the thrill of manipulating a psychopathic villain.   Their relationship, however, was not without its complications. Midal, despite her attraction to Mordrakas, struggled with her feelings. She was torn between her desire for power and her growing affection for Mordrakas. Mordrakas, on the other hand, was caught between his loyalty to Tah'Caluss Yorn and his own ambitions. He was torn between his duty as a lieutenant and his desire for power.   In the end, their relationship was a reflection of their own natures. It was a dance of power and manipulation, a game of shadows and secrets. It was a testament to their shared ambition, their shared darkness. And yet, despite its complexity, their relationship was a source of strength for both of them. It was a bond that, despite its darkness, gave them the strength to face the challenges of the Shadowfell.   Today, their relationship remains as complex and enigmatic as ever. They continue to dance their dance of power and manipulation, their alliance as strong as ever. Yet, beneath the surface, there are signs of change. Midal, despite her ruthless nature, seems to be developing deeper feelings for Mordrakas. Mordrakas, despite his loyalty to Tah'Caluss Yorn, seems to be nurturing his own ambitions. Their relationship, like the shadows they inhabit, is constantly shifting, constantly evolving. Only time will tell what the future holds for Mordrakas and Midal, the unlikely allies in the heart of the Shadowfell.

Shared Secrets

The clandestine nature of Midal and Mordrakas's affair is a necessary precaution, born out of their respective positions and the potential consequences of their liaison becoming public knowledge. As the daughter of Tah'Caluss Yorn, the Master of the Murkwrought Marauders, Midal's actions are under constant scrutiny. Any perceived weakness or deviation from the expected norms could be exploited by her father's enemies or those within the Marauders who covet power. Her relationship with Mordrakas, a servant of her father and a creature of a different species, would certainly be seen as a scandalous deviation.   For Mordrakas, the secrecy is equally crucial. As an Illithid, or Mindflayer, his species is typically viewed with fear and revulsion by others. His position as a lieutenant to Tah'Caluss Yorn affords him a certain level of protection, but it also places him in a precarious position. His relationship with Midal, if discovered, could be seen as a betrayal of his master, a manipulation of his daughter for his own ends. The consequences of such a discovery could be dire, potentially leading to his expulsion from the Marauders or worse.   Moreover, their affair is not just a matter of physical attraction but also a strategic alliance. Both Midal and Mordrakas are ambitious individuals, each with their own goals and aspirations. Their relationship allows them to share information, resources, and support each other's ambitions in a way that would not be possible if their affair was public knowledge. The secrecy of their relationship provides them with a private sphere where they can plot and strategize away from prying eyes.   Finally, there is an element of thrill and excitement in maintaining the secrecy of their affair. For Midal, who thrives on danger and the thrill of the forbidden, the clandestine nature of their relationship adds an extra layer of excitement. For Mordrakas, the secrecy allows him to engage in a level of emotional and physical intimacy that is typically denied to his species, adding a layer of complexity and intrigue to his otherwise calculating and strategic existence.

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