
Velyrniks manifest near portals that puncture through the epochs, serving as both wardens and watchers of these volatile gateways. They are ethereal beings, with bodies composed of translucent, shimmering mist that flows and fluctuates with the currents of Time. Shaped like majestic quadrupeds, their form resembles that of an ethereal horse, yet their heads bear the wise and ancient countenance of an elephant, complete with a long, graceful trunk and large, flapping ears. Their eyes, deep and luminous, glow like Silver stars and hold within them swirling galaxies, a testament to their connection to the Celestial tapestry.   Tasked with the grave responsibility of preventing the misuse of temporal travel, Velyrniks are neither purely benign nor solely malevolent. They are enforcers of the laws set by the cosmos, acting out of necessity rather than malice. When time travelers, whether by accident or intent, create ripples through the ages, these ripples can turn into tidal waves that threaten the very essence of existence. It is then that the Velyrniks intervene, correcting the course of events, often with a presence that is as terrifying as it is awe-inspiring.   To those who encounter them, Velyrniks are reminders of the potent forces at play within the universe—forces that are not to be tampered with lightly. Their interactions with mortals are rare but memorable, marked by a profound sense of the extraordinary entering the realm of the known. In these encounters, the boundaries between legend and reality blur, as the Velyrniks carry out their ancient duties, sculpted by the hands of time itself.

Basic Information


Velyrniks are Celestial entities with an anatomical structure that diverges significantly from that of terrestrial organisms. Originating from the Temporal Nexus, these creatures embody the raw, fluctuating energies of Time itself, manifesting in a form that is both mutable and ephemeral. The unique anatomy and morphology of Velyrniks are closely tied to their function as guardians of temporal integrity, equipped with features that enable them to manipulate and navigate through time streams.  

Morphological Characteristics

  • Ectoplasmic Form: The primary physical structure of a Velyrnik is composed of an ectoplasmic substance that lacks fixed solidity. This substance allows for rapid morphological changes and a high degree of adaptability in response to temporal disturbances. The ectoplasmic form is semi-transparent and continuously emits a faint luminescence, reflecting the creature’s connection to celestial energies.
  • Dimensional Fluidity: The body of a Velyrnik is characterized by its dimensional fluidity, allowing it to alter its physical dimensions and even split into multiple forms temporarily. This trait is vital for their role in monitoring and correcting temporal anomalies, as it enables them to exist in several points in time simultaneously.
  • Optical Features: The most constant and defining feature of Velyrniks are their eyes, which appear as deep, luminous orbs embedded within their fluid form. These eyes emit a radiant Silver light and are capable of perceiving various spectra, including the temporal frequency range. This ocular ability grants them an unparalleled awareness of temporal shifts and potential time stream breaches.

Physiological Adaptations

  • Temporal Core: At the center of a Velyrnik's form lies the Temporal Core, a concentrated nexus of time energy that powers all of the creature’s physiological and magical functions. This core is both the heart and brain of the Velyrnik, processing temporal data and fueling their abilities to phase through time.
  • Chronal Resonance Fibers: Interwoven throughout their ectoplasmic body are chronal resonance fibers that can vibrate at frequencies aligned with the temporal flow. These fibers facilitate the Velyrnik’s movement through time and space, enabling rapid shifts and providing a buffer against temporal paradox effects.
  • Adaptive Aura: Surrounding the Velyrnik is an adaptive aura that manipulates local time fields. This aura can extend or contract as needed, distorting perceptions of the Velyrnik’s movements and positioning, thereby enhancing its stealth and elusiveness in confrontations.

Ecology and Habitats

Habitat: The Temporal Nexus

The primary habitat of Velyrniks is the Temporal Nexus, a dimension that exists outside the conventional flow of Time. This realm is characterized by its vast, ever-shifting landscape of temporal energies and currents, resembling an endless sea of moving, intertwining streams of light and shadow. The Temporal Nexus serves as a confluence for all timelines, a central hub from which all moments in history and future possibilities emanate and converge.   Structure of the Nexus: The Nexus itself is not a static environment but a dynamic, ever-evolving landscape that changes in response to the events within the wider universe. It comprises layers of temporal strata, each representing different eras and potential timelines. This unique structure makes the Nexus an ideal habitat for Velyrniks, whose abilities allow them to navigate these complex currents effortlessly.   Temporal Flora and Fauna: While primarily a realm of pure time energy, the Nexus is also home to other temporal entities and phenomena. These include lesser time spirits, chronal echoes (residual imprints left by significant historical events), and temporal anomalies that sprout like flora in this metaphysical environment. Velyrniks interact with these elements as part of their role, sometimes utilizing chronal echoes to assess disturbances or track changes in the temporal flow.  

Ecology: Guardians of Time

Velyrniks are integral to the ecology of the Temporal Nexus, serving as both guardians and caretakers. Their role extends beyond mere surveillance; they actively maintain the stability and integrity of time streams, repairing breaches and smoothing out the wrinkles caused by external influences.   Energy Consumption: In terms of ecological energy flow, Velyrniks are unique. They do not consume biological energy but instead absorb and recycle temporal energy. This absorption occurs when they repair time streams or dissolve paradoxes, converting these potential disruptions into stable energy that sustains them and, by extension, the health of the Nexus.   Reproduction and Population Control: Velyrniks do not reproduce in a traditional biological sense. Instead, new Velyrniks are spawned by the Nexus itself in response to the needs of the temporal ecosystem. The creation of a Velyrnik is a rare event, typically triggered by significant temporal disturbances or the emergence of new timelines that require guardianship.  

Interaction with Temporal Portals

Portal Emergence: Velyrniks appear near temporal portals primarily due to their role as enforcers of temporal integrity. These portals, which are gateways between different times or dimensions, can create significant disruptions in the temporal flow. Such disturbances are akin to wounds in the fabric of time, drawing Velyrniks to them instinctively.   Mechanism of Appearance: When a portal is activated, either through magical means or technological manipulation, it emits a burst of temporal energy that resonates through the Nexus. Velyrniks, sensitive to these fluctuations, are then drawn to the source of the disturbance. Their appearance near portals is both a preventative measure against misuse and a corrective action, ensuring that any ripple effects caused by the portal's use are contained and rectified.   Role in Time Travel: For those who travel through these portals, the presence of a Velyrnik can be a daunting reminder of the responsibilities and dangers associated with time travel. Velyrniks not only monitor these passages but also assess the intentions and actions of the travelers, intervening if their actions risk causing irreparable temporal damage.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Velyrniks, while not possessing extraordinary intellectual capacities, exhibit a keen aptitude for understanding and interacting with the complexities of temporal mechanics and the intricacies of different languages. Their intelligence aligns closely with that of an average Human, allowing them to process information, make judgments, and adapt to changing circumstances effectively, particularly in the context of their duties within the Temporal Nexus.  

Cognitive Abilities and Social Interaction

  Velyrniks' understanding of all languages is not just a function of intelligence but also an intrinsic feature of their Celestial nature, enabling them to engage with beings from any Time and place without communication barriers. This universal comprehension allows them to gather crucial information by listening to the discussions and plans of those who traverse or tamper with time portals.   In terms of tactical behavior, Velyrniks demonstrate a sophisticated level of situational awareness. They are adept at observing their environment and can adjust their strategies based on the actions and intentions of others. This capability is not rooted in a deep intellectual strategy but rather a natural instinct honed by their role as guardians of temporal stability. They are particularly responsive to potential threats or misuses of time travel, positioning themselves to intervene in ways that preemptively counteract these disruptions.  

Interactions with Others

  While Velyrniks can understand spoken intentions and sentiments, their responses are not influenced by emotional appeals or persuasion. Their actions are driven by a fundamental commitment to the preservation of the temporal order, making them resistant to arguments or pleas that conflict with their primary directive. This focus gives them an appearance of stoic determination, often interpreted as aloofness or rigidity by those unfamiliar with their true nature.   In social interactions, particularly with potential temporal violators, Velyrniks assess the threat level and the intent behind actions rather than the emotional or persuasive content of words. Their judgments are based on a clear assessment of how actions align with the greater laws of time, rather than personal feelings or relationships. This approach ensures that they remain unbiased enforcers of the temporal laws, undistracted by personal biases or manipulations.
Geographic Distribution


Velyrnik CR: 5

Medium celestial, lawful neutral
Armor Class: 15
Hit Points: 135 (18d8 + 54) 18d8+54
Speed: 40 ft


12 +1


17 +3


16 +3


11 +0


14 +2


9 -1

Skills: Stealth +9
Damage Resistances: psychic, necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities: charmed, paralyzed, stunned
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages: Understands all, but cannot speak
Challenge Rating: 5 ( 1800 XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +6

Temporal Instability. The Velyrnik has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Multiattack. The Velyrnik makes two attacks with its temporal claws.   Temporal Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (5d6 + 1) slashing damage plus 9 (2d8) psychic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or have their speed halved and cannot take reactions until the end of their next turn due to temporal disorientation.   Oblivion Gaze (Recharge 6). The Velyrnik targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or lose all memory of the Velyrnik's presence for 1 minute or until the Velyrnik harms the creature. This memory loss makes the creature unable to perceive the Velyrnik during this time, effectively rendering the Velyrnik invisible to them.

Bonus Actions

Chronal Displacement (Recharge 5–6). As a bonus action, the Velyrnik can magically shift its position in the time stream. Until the beginning of its next turn, the Velyrnik becomes invisible and gains resistance to all damage.

Usual Tactics

Velyrniks employ a set of specialized tactics that leverage their unique abilities related to Time manipulation, making them particularly formidable foes or mysterious allies for any adventuring party involved in time travel. Here's how Dungeon Masters can effectively use Velyrniks in their campaigns:  

Ambush and Evasion
  Chronal Displacement: Velyrniks make excellent use of their ability to phase out of the current timeline. They often begin an encounter by using this ability to set up ambushes or avoid initial attacks. This makes them unpredictable and difficult to pin down in combat.  
Disorienting Attacks
  Temporal Claws: In combat, Velyrniks aim to disorient and weaken their opponents. They use their temporal claws to not only deal damage but also to cause temporal disorientation, halving the target’s speed and preventing reactions. This can effectively isolate powerful foes or disrupt coordinated group tactics.  
Memory Manipulation
  Oblivion Gaze: This ability is used strategically to confuse and frighten opponents. By making a target forget the Velyrnik’s presence, they can remove themselves as a target, regroup, or reposition for a better attack angle. This is particularly effective in causing chaos among enemy ranks or for making a tactical retreat if outnumbered.  
Summoning Reinforcements
  Summon Time Echoes: When facing a tough or numerous group of adversaries, a Guardian Velyrnik might summon lesser echoes of itself. These additional forces can turn the tide of battle, allowing the Velyrnik to outnumber or flank their opponents. It's a potent tool for overwhelming parties or providing distractions.  
Hit-and-Run Tactics
  Given their abilities to both disappear and manipulate memories, Velyrniks prefer hit-and-run tactics over prolonged engagements. They strike swiftly and retreat into invisibility or temporal displacement, waiting for another opportunity to attack or until their abilities recharge.  
Use of Environment
  Velyrniks are intelligent and may use the environment to their advantage, particularly areas with strong temporal energies or anomalies. DMs can place encounters in such locales to enhance the Velyrniks' abilities or introduce additional environmental challenges for the players.  
Tactical Withdrawal
  Velyrniks are not mindless beasts; they will retreat if an encounter turns against them, especially if they have fulfilled their objective or if continuing the fight poses significant risk. This retreat is not necessarily a defeat but a strategic choice, emphasizing their primary goal of maintaining the temporal order rather than defeating foes.   By incorporating these tactics, DMs can present Velyrniks as cunning and elusive adversaries that require strategic thinking and careful planning to overcome, thereby enriching the narrative and challenge of their campaigns.

Velyrniks are enigmatic Celestial creatures birthed from the chaotic energies of the Temporal Nexus, a realm where the fabric of Time is both woven and unraveled. These beings materialize near portals that breach the boundaries of time, appearing as guardians or enforcers tasked with maintaining the integrity of the temporal flow.   Visually, Velyrniks are haunting and ethereal, with bodies that shimmer like mirages, giving them an almost ghostly appearance. Their forms are humanoid but constantly shift and flicker, making their outlines hard to discern. Their eyes, however, burn with a steady, piercing Silver light, providing the only fixed point in their ever-changing visage.   Velyrniks are driven by a profound sense of duty to prevent the misuse of time travel and to correct the disturbances caused by such events. They track down entities that tamper with time, motivated by a deep-rooted instinct to repair and stabilize the time streams affected by mortal interventions. Due to their origins in the Temporal Nexus, they possess abilities that allow them to manipulate their own temporal positioning, making them formidable and elusive adversaries or allies, depending on the actions of those they encounter.


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