Man after listening to that i can't imagine what the Valentine's special would be like
from not trusting him one bit to high pitched "WE DID IT WE DID IT WE DID IT"s, Mistake has truly gone through some character development. and now it even has physical representation
absolutely funny and fantastic as always F squad this is gonna be a long 5 weeks.
oh yeah and the oriq revelations happened too 8g
Man after listening to that i can't imagine what the Valentine's special would be like from not trusting him one bit to high pitched "WE DID IT WE DID IT WE DID IT"s, Mistake has truly gone through some character development. and now it even has physical representation absolutely funny and fantastic as always F squad this is gonna be a long 5 weeks. oh yeah and the oriq revelations happened too 8g
...Valentine's special, you say? Make the GM flirt with every player in one session? Such ideas... -Rin
Speculative-Fiction Writing
that sounds delightful yet terrifying actually