Louie & Timothy Arneza
A year apart in age, but rarely seen away from each other, Louie and Timothy are about as close as two brothers can be. While they can be condescending, they both appreciate a good experiment and a good explosive.Family
The Arnezas are a well-known family, with all three of their kids (Louie, Timothy, and Larine) attending Strixhaven. Less well known is their current money problems due to Hugo Arneza’s gambling addiction. According to Larine, the brothers are of little help when it comes to family responsibilities. After their father was incarcerated, they let Larine take most of the subsequent burdens.Year 1 Involvement
The brothers met Gary by chance and offered some advice regarding the alchemy lab. Larine later tried to use them as her sidekicks, but they did little to further the image she was going for. They’ve said on multiple occasions that their sister is “a bitch”, but have encouraged her to be friends with Gary since they like him. They were fascinated by Gary’s fireworks display early in the year and were happy to get the formula from him to make more. They called the formula their “manifesto”. Dean Kianne confiscated it from them under the guise of campus safety. She later used it to blow up part of Captain Dapplewing’s manor in an assassination attempt.Hugo Arneza (father)