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Strahl Costin

Corporal Strahl Costin (a.k.a. Better Call Strahl)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strahl is of a weaker build, but has some knowledge on practically applying his strength from his battlefield experience.

Body Features

Costin boasts two barbed curved horns sprouting from above each temple, pointed ears, as well as a thick prehensile tail.

Facial Features

Strahl has a mole beneath his left eye and a literal silver tongue. He lost his right eye in battle with a pack of demons.

Apparel & Accessories

Strahl's current garb consists of a large styled coat over a red suit with bandages over his forearms and right eye.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born no fortunate son, Strahl scammed on the streets as a young boy, but was sent to fight in the war against gnomes at the age of 15, where he became a prisoner of war after years of touring. Eventually freed, he was sent home after he took a bolt for his commander, and studied to become a lawyer, where he had numerous encounters but was forced into working for a local crime family. He ran away from that life after (re-)meeting Varis Ebonwood and Nova Corps High Officer Jack Atlas

Gender Identity





Strahl has three years of formal education in law.


Strahl has worked as a petty theif and charlatan as a child, then as a soldier the majority of his teenage and adult years. He is now a self-employed adventurer and former crooked attorney.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Strahl recieved a military commendation after saving his commanders life by jumping in front of a crossbow bolt for them.

Failures & Embarrassments

Strahl was caught doing petty criminal work as a child, and some people who know him refer to him as he endearing nickname of "Slippin' Jimmy"

Mental Trauma

Strahl remains uneasy underground thanks the dangerous mining work and living conditions he was subjected to in the underground Gnomish war prison camp.

Intellectual Characteristics

Strahl has a silver tongue and has a grasp of tactics thanks to his time in war.

Morality & Philosophy

Strahl dislikes loss of life, and will go out of his way to use his words before violence, even against evil people. However, at the end of the day, he looks out for his own self-interests above others.


Strahl sees no issues with manipulating people as long as the ends justify the means.

Personality Characteristics


Strahl is motivated by power and proving himself, he spent his life kicked down, and now wants to take his stand.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Strahl is both battlefeild and law competent, however is inept at anything concerning the non-material planes and the oceans.

Likes & Dislikes

Strahl is fond of cranberry juice and snails, and dislikes stubborn people or those who can outwit him.

Vices & Personality flaws

Strahl is a liar at heart and often acts without thinking.


Strahl attempts to keep well-kept in the face of his adventures.


Contacts & Relations

Strahl has contacts to the law district of So, as well as the knowledge of Hamilton Theive's Guild contact points. He has recently found himself connected to Zakrios and is amigos with the other Lords of Nightveil

Family Ties

Strahl has two remaining siblings, A tavernkeep in the Teifling capital, and a wandering monk.

Social Aptitude




Strahl Costin is a teifling adventurer in the year 2042. Both a lawyer and veteran, Strahl carries both theory and practice with him, he is hoping to make it to the top on the run from his past.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord, Corporal (Formaly)
31 Years
Date of Birth
April 5th, 2372
Gornia, Grafeno
Current Residence
Nature's Nightveil Tavern
Milky white
Ash pale
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft ,6 inches.
155 Lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Lets be reasonable"   "Better call Strahl!"   "The worst of times is when you have to play your biggest hand"
Known Languages
Infernal and Common.

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Strahl's Journal, May 3rd
May 3rd, 2042

I suppose I’m writing now under rather a serendipitous turn of events. Reading back a bit, it appears my last entry was exactly a month ago in the time of the material plane. I have rediscovered this old book in my possessions left within my keep room, where I awoke from a great fight with a band of demons who assaulted Varis, Zenith (The newest member of the party), James and myself. A lot has happened since I last wrote, and while it only really has been a month, time operated differently while I was trapped on the celestial planes, an event that happened shortly after writing my last entry when I tried to commune with Lai.   Jack had fallen in combat with a vampire, and to this day I still miss him. A young man by the name of Zenith Jones popped up soon-after, and has seemingly filled Jack’s void to the others. But not to me. The tavern has been mostly successful, and we just took a venture into a jewel store, and headed north to locate an initial stock supply of rare gems. That’s when the demons attacked; Zenith and James were killed, and I was left scarred and bloodied on the floor. Varis, however, stayed true and slayed the demons in our wake. I owe my life to him, but it seems Zenith and James owed their deaths to me. When I awoke for a short time, I found my right eye was missing, and the pair had passed. Waking up now, I’ve been informed that Shaun managed to perform a ritual of rebirth on them, but I don’t know what scars they bear. I know I wish to keep mine, a reminder of the time I almost got my comrades killed, a phantom pain and burden I must bear.   The guilt is heavy, as it was I who refused to meet the enemies terms and ordered a call to arms defensive strike against them, leading to the bloodbath. It reminds me of the gnomish battlefields, and the souls lost on them. But somehow I survived, I lived and I will pay for it. Something is haunting me, like the guilt is truly the phantoms of the lost whispering their tales to me. The others think I am crazy.   Now that I’ve recovered this journal, hopefully I can continue to write, it seems to soothe the soul.

Strahl's Journal, March 7th, Pt. 2
March 7th, 2042

We've been sent on our way...   After contact with the Doge, he has employed us to eliminate the abyssal portal, and I have faith in our group's ability to deal with such matters competently.   I have developed a further understand of Mr. Juicekraine. who hosts a tragic story, as well as Mr. Ashlock(s) who apparently descend from a spoiled youth (evidently)   I can feel a haunting aura surround us as we venture out to set up a camp. I do hope we can have a peaceful night before the descent.

Strahl's Journal, April 3rd
April 3rd, 2042

It's been awhile since I last wrote, I was very caught up with training the team for the play (which, by the way, went off without a hitch) and upstarting a tavern/inn business in the city. I've decided to all it the "Nature's Nightveil Tavern and Inn," after the island we reside on. Apparently Vergil found this odd magical hat that can build and furnish things, so that certainly helped in the restoration of the decrepit property I was sold. Things are looking good. I must be honest with myself, I did help Shagrug run a magical scam, but it's been my first slip-up in a while. (And I needed to get Shaun the money I borrowed to help with the tavern renovations.   But like I said, things are looking good, so I better not mess this up for myself. Starting today, Strahl Costin is a clean honest business man, I swear by it (for realsies this time.)  

Strahl's Journal, March 16th
March 16th, 2042

The story straight.   I'm going to write it down, I can't trust myself to tell the truth.   I had to fight to survive on the streets of Gornia. Some folks are born with silver spoons in their mouth, but not me. I was no fortunate son. That was when I began to realize theft and murder is for fools, and that the only way I could protect myself was through my tongue and the manipulation of the rats around me. That's when I was plucked off the streets by the very government that cast me out, sent to fight their war, commit their theft and murder. But I kept my head down, figured I serve my couple years and I'd be able to go home, find love, settle down, but no. That's never how life treats you. 13 long years. 13 years robbed from me, 13 years of running, killing, fear and conquest. Castilvis was a nightmare, and one I never woke from. When I got back, I was inspired. Damn the ones on top! I'm going to use my natural silver tongue to protect the small man, and so I studied hard. Moving to So, Eventually, I became a fully-fledged lawyer, and a damn good one too. I helped people, and met so many colorful characters (including an odd run-in with a fey I believe awoke the arcane powers within me) , it was truly my golden year. That was until I defended the wrong man, and ended up opposed to The Hamilton Thieves' Guild. They had me running their schemes, lies and I dug the pit deeper for myself, seeing some use in me rather than killing me. The more money I ran, murderers I scammed out free, I found myself unable to escape my own lies. With the threat of my life if I ran from the guild, I had to commit to my opportunity. When Varis and Jack came along by coincidence, I jumped on the opportunity to travel away, with the benefit of comrades to protect me. We did odd jobs, and I felt my powers grow, but I also felt an evil fall over me. The lies I now easily forged kept catching up to me, and I couldn't shake the eye of my bloodline's mother Glaysa over my shoulder as I did. Now I find myself in the middle of a god's bidding, and yet I remain a heel and a scoundrel. I want to pursue the honest defender of the past, but as the stakes keep getting higher I find myself lying more as a defense mechanism.

Strahl's Journal, March 14th Morning
March 14th, 2042

I realize last night's entry was incoherent ramblings.   I've realized that I have done much harm in my past, and the only way forward is down or to change my ways.      

Strahl's Journal, March 13th
March 13th, 2042

Who am I? Am I sure I want to know?   My past is veiled in bloodshed, lies and my own malady   And yet still I thrust foward on the barren path, just days ago I praised the call to adventure, but now I lay uneasy   Yesterday we killed some mad necroturgist "hell"-bent on raising to power through a demon prince, and entering his absyss of a cavern layer, I was intent on swaying the individual to use his powers for the church of Zakrios, simply for the reason of avoiding a violent path.   But during our descent, Shaun freed a vampire imprisoned by the necroturgist, seeing some innocence in it, taking mercy. But when I looked into that monsters eyes, I saw a curse. Poetically similar to that I bear, the curse of a liar, a selfish wretch. There was something in that moment - when I stared myself down, seeing what plagued me and that I had been to weak to escape. I struck the monster, Jack by my side, and in those moments I didn't care if I lived or died. When I exited my mind, I was bloodied, but the monster was cold.   Which one of us was the monster?   I went on with the intent to fell the necroturgist, no mercy or negotiation wished for on my part. A fire burned deep inside me, but I'm not sure if it was fueled by justice or me wishing to erase the thoughts of my jaded morality. Is there salvation for me?   And now I am indentured to a commander of lost souls, the last hours being a surreal haze of sudden boon and yet imprisonment.   Who have I wronged?   But if there is one thing I know for real, there will always be bloodshed, a vulture will always find what rots, and the branded sun will rise. Am I the vulture?   Can I escape this world's cycle of pain, and do something truly good?   I must get some rest, I've been inking and tossing pages to the wall of this cold stone room for hours.      

Strahl's Journal, March 10th
March 10th, 2042

We have captured the bounty on Fister Meilding.   After travelling north, we defused a situation with his gaurd dog, before breeching his cabin. We attempted to gain some magic items from the man after incapacitating him, but after he proved useless (and firmly morally black) we agreed we'd bring him in dead as per the contract.   I still am curious as to the half-finished automaton within his basement workshop, and as to what ends it was a means for.

Strahl's Journal, March 9th
March 9th, 2042

I pray my mistakes lead to greatness...   Hanging about the town, our merry crew decided to spend most the day spending our hard earned gold, when after I purchased an elusive magical instrument, I was approached by Raul. He convinced me to attempt my charms in order to get him a discount on a dragon's tooth. I managed to reduce the asking price by convincing the shopkeep I would be using it in a theatrical production, and the event would gain him publicity.   So now I have to put on a play, which I have recruited most of my companions into orchestrating. Raul will play fearless Norm Cassidy, a knight-dragon-hunter, in his quest to defeat the wicked Syvil Victorious, the last emperor in an evil empire and a summoner of dragons, played by Vergil. Shaun will take the form of a tiger as a companion to Norm, while James will hopefully use his natural transmutation powers to fill in many characters. Jack has even agreed to use his magic for technical effects.   As the day winded down, I negotiated a free glass of cranberry juice in exchange for providing entertainment in the tavern we would stay the night at. A bar fight quickly broke out, which ended with James and Jack sumo wrestling on a table.   I hope today goes well, as we are pursuing the bounty of the notorious Fister Meilding, a clever inventor and deadly foe.

Strahl's Journal, March 8th
March 8th, 2042

Short entry today.   After dealing with a portal and the horrors of the abyss, we were fairly paid by The Doge and I am heading to rest.  

Strahl's Journal, March 7th
March 7th, 2042

I have a feeling this is what is meant when they say "a call to adventure".   I was stopping in a small town to rest up with my compatriots when we stumbled across a quad of fellow adventurers, who recommended we join them on a journey to rid the area of a bandit presence. (One of these adventurers was the shapeshifter was the from the Ryneyes case who owed me 50 gold, coincidentally the payout for the job.) Upon arriving at our location, Veras and the shapeshifter scouted ahead and laid in wait, the shifter infiltrating the small fortress. From there I attempted to persuade/intimidate the bandit presence into evacuating, but the leader was a stubborn prideful man whom refused to listen to reason, however, it was not all bad, as it provided the opportunity to observe the adventurers at work, who made quick work of the bandits. I managed to convince the three survivors to surrender, while the rest of the crew entered a dungeon underneath the fortress, and I lingered back. Some might consider it cowardice, but I have no reason to subject myself to the memories of those dank gnomish mines.   On our return, Vergil Ashlock, one of my new companions, recognized the presence of the abyss in the area, which activates only curiosity within me. I am finishing this as we are being summoned to the local magistrate, hopefully to investigate that peculiar phenomenon

Strahl's Book of Debts, March 7th
March 7th, 2042

Self- Debt free   Jack- Owes 65 gp after 60 gp borrowed   James Evens/Joe Ranger??- Owed 50 from case, now debt free  


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