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Corporal Strahl Costin
Better Call Strahl

Chaotic Neutral Teifling (Bloodline of Glasya) (Charlatan (Lawyer))
Bard 3
24 / 24 HP

Strahl Costin is a teifling adventurer in the year 2042. Both a lawyer and veteran, Strahl carries both theory and practice with him, he is hoping to make it to the top on the run from his past.

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May 3rd, 2042

Strahl's Journal, May 3rd

by Corporal Strahl Costin

I suppose I’m writing now under rather a serendipitous turn of events. Reading back a bit, it appears my last entry was exactly a month ago in the time of the material plane. I have rediscovered this old book in my possessions left within my keep room, where I awoke from a great fight with a band of demons who assaulted Varis, Zenith (The newest member of the party), James and myself. A lot has happened since I last wrote, and while it only really has been a month, time operated differently while I was trapped on the celestial planes, an event that happened shortly after writing my last entry when I tried to commune with Lai.
Jack had fallen in combat with a vampire, and to this day I still miss him. A young man by the name of Zenith Jones popped up soon-after, and has seemingly filled Jack’s void to the others. But not to me. The tavern has been mostly successful, and we just took a venture into a jewel store, and headed north to locate an initial stock supply of rare gems. That’s when the demons attacked; Zenith and James were killed, and I was left scarred and bloodied on the floor. Varis, however, stayed true and slayed the demons in our wake. I owe my life to him, but it seems Zenith and James owed their deaths to me. When I awoke for a short time, I found my right eye was missing, and the pair had passed. Waking up now, I’ve been informed that Shaun managed to perform a ritual of rebirth on them, but I don’t know what scars they bear. I know I wish to keep mine, a reminder of the time I almost got my comrades killed, a phantom pain and burden I must bear.
The guilt is heavy, as it was I who refused to meet the enemies terms and ordered a call to arms defensive strike against them, leading to the bloodbath. It reminds me of the gnomish battlefields, and the souls lost on them. But somehow I survived, I lived and I will pay for it. Something is haunting me, like the guilt is truly the phantoms of the lost whispering their tales to me. The others think I am crazy.
Now that I’ve recovered this journal, hopefully I can continue to write, it seems to soothe the soul.

Strahl's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Strahl's history, from the beginning to today.

Strahl's Journal, May 3rd

I suppose I’m writing now under rather a serendipitous turn of events. Reading back a bit, it appears my last entry was exactly a month ago in the time of the material plane. I have rediscovered this old book in my possessions left within my keep room, ...

11:50 pm - 18.08.2022

Strahl's Journal, April 3rd

It's been awhile since I last wrote, I was very caught up with training the team for the play (which, by the way, went off without a hitch) and upstarting a tavern/inn business in the city. I've decided to all it the "Nature's Nightveil Tavern and Inn," a...

06:11 am - 16.05.2022

Strahl's Journal, March 16th

The story straight. I'm going to write it down, I can't trust myself to tell the truth. I had to fight to survive on the streets of Gornia. Some folks are born with silver spoons in their mouth, but not me. I was no fortunate son. That was when I be...

06:04 am - 09.05.2022

Strahl's Journal, March 14th Morning

I realize last night's entry was incoherent ramblings. I've realized that I have done much harm in my past, and the only way forward is down or to change my ways. ...

10:54 pm - 26.04.2022

Strahl's Journal, March 13th

Who am I? Am I sure I want to know? My past is veiled in bloodshed, lies and my own malady And yet still I thrust foward on the barren path, just days ago I praised the call to adventure, but now I lay uneasy Yesterday we killed some mad necrotur...

05:30 am - 21.04.2022

Can it, Goomba!

04:18 am - 14.04.2022

Strahl's Journal, March 10th

We have captured the bounty on Fister Meilding. After travelling north, we defused a situation with his gaurd dog, before breeching his cabin. We attempted to gain some magic items from the man after incapacitating him, but after he proved useless (and...

04:13 am - 14.04.2022

Strahl's Journal, March 9th

I pray my mistakes lead to greatness... Hanging about the town, our merry crew decided to spend most the day spending our hard earned gold, when after I purchased an elusive magical instrument, I have approached by Raul. He convinced me to attempt my c...

04:09 am - 14.04.2022

Strahl's Journal, March 8th

Short entry today. After dealing with a portal and the horrors of the abyss, we were fairly paid by The Doge and I am heading to rest. ...

03:58 am - 14.04.2022

Strahl's Journal, March 7th, Pt. 2

We've been sent on our way... After contact with the Doge, he has employed us to eliminate the abyssal portal, and I have faith in our group's ability to deal with such matters competently. I have developed a further understand of Mr. Rual, who hos...

11:18 pm - 11.04.2022

Strahl's Book of Debts, March 7th

Self- Debt free Jack- Owes 65 gp after 60 gp borrowed James Evens/Joe Ranger??- Owed 50 from case, now debt free ...

05:40 am - 03.04.2022

Strahl's Journal, March 7th

I have a feeling this is what some mention when they say "a call to adventure". I was stopping in a small town to rest up with my compatriots when we stumbled across a quad of fellow adventurer's, who recommended we join them on a journey to rid the ar...

11:45 pm - 30.03.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Strahl.

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Other Characters by SirRoundabout