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“As you travel the air becomes salty as you taste the sea salt in the air. The ground to the road gives way to sharp cliff faces that sink down into raging waves that batter them from below. You continue down the coast seeing a ship off in the distance, you hear a distant greeting from ...above you? As you look up you see an airship flying above you with a young genesis waving down at you."
“As you continue down the coast you see the smoke from a city but not the city itself. The road leads you to what at first looks to be a dead-end but at a second glass is a hidden cave entrance. High tide- you approach the entrance but suddenly jump back as water suddenly burst forth from the apparent blow hole barring entry, it seems you must wait until the water calms down. Low tide - you approach the entrance to the cove and enter a wet carnivorous room, water dripping from every surface, you make your steps carefully as you approach the city guard. The guard seems to have 2 different types ones with a blue tabard and yellow waves on it and ones with a yellow tabard and blue wind on it."
  "As you enter the city itself you first think you are at a boat graveyard, but on second glance the city is made from hulls of ships, some stacked upon each other to make taller buildings you even see a wreck of an airship has been used to construct their buildings, the city seems to be a massive boat graveyard that people have decided to move into."
Darkstall was once the Capital of Akanul the Genasi Faction. While the prominent races are the Genasi there are many other Trivin Based races and quite a few Sea-based races that work at the extensive docks.
The SkyGuard and the Waveriders are the pinnacles of the City's defenders with the best among them being sent to the Grand Trivin Army to serve their country proudly.
The city is located in the gully of a sharp cliff face that uses the Cliffs as natural walls to protect itself from land assault and using its sea connection to enable a massive amount of trade down the coast.
The entrance to the city is via a large blowhole, so you can only enter the city during low tide.
The city does not have walls in the conventional sense it has been built into a sharp cliff and the cliff walls protect the city from land-based assaults. Alongside the blowhole defence no siege can be continuous, and if they acquire enough water makes they can plug the blowhole during low tide.
But the navel-based defences were lacking against the first few Kraken attacks destroying fleets and large segments of the city, most of the city has been repaired by the emails of the hulls of the ships.
Nowadays the navel defences would be the best in Trivin and yet each Kraken attack worsens the city's stability.


The Baroness Arathane is the Ruler of the City. Arathane was a stunningly beautiful genasi with lavender skin.
She is considered a fair and just ruler by her subjects. At least until her mid-forties, she remained unmarried and was besieged by would-be suitors. Arathane was in no hurry to bear a successor, as both her mother and grandmother bore children late in life.
The city pre capitulation ran on a caste system between genesis which is no longer enforced but it's remnants still remain.


The city would be attacked by a Kraken about once a Decade but there have been years of multiple attacks so you never know. As the Kraken only attacks during high tide, all inhabitants are trapped in the city so nearly everyone is armed with a polearm of some sort to prevent a tentacle from grasping them.
The first time the city killed the Kraken there was a massive celebration as the terror of the deep was slain it lasted three days and is known as Maw's defeat is still celebrated to this day. Then one month later another Kraken attacked. The city has recorded 4 Kraken kills in its history but ancient records show that the early days of the city or the proto city also have some kills to their name as Kraken bones have been found at archeological dig sites.
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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