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Grand Trivin Army

The Grand Trivin Army is a large Multi ethic force that defends and protects the Trivin Empire. It is made up of many smaller parts that in times of war group together to smash the foes of the empire but in times of peace, they travel the land looking for beasts that prey on citizens and protect the borders of Trivin from outsiders.
Most of the army is made up of standard soldiers, but those who stand out will be enlisted into one of the Corps.
  Sky'Sovereign Border "Sky Watchers" patrol the northern border to protect against Sky'Sovereign aggression.
Understab Border "Horde Patrol" patrol the northeastern border to protect against the hordes of Understab.
Coast guard "Trivin Marines" protect the coast and seas from pirates and from Sunken Bank 'rebels'.
Boulderboss/Heartland border "Heartstone Rangers" protect and patrol the south and eastern borders of the heartlands that patrol the Enchanted Forest.
Magical Secret Service "The Hand"{Redacted} by order of King Snazzlehand.
The Royal Elites "Elites" are a troop that draws upon the best of all other parts of the army and from the city guard. They Recruit heavily from the Genasai in Darkstall for the bulk of their troop.
The Grand Trivin Navy is also closely linked to the G.T.A



The Overall manpower of the Grand Trivin Army is a state secret it is estimated to be in the range of 20 000 -50 000.


The king is the Commander and Chief.


Logistical Support

The Logistical Support unit of the Grand Trivin Army is responsible for providing the necessary supplies, equipment, and services required to sustain military operations. This includes tasks such as procuring and distributing food, water, ammunition, fuel, and other supplies; maintaining and repairing equipment; and providing medical care, transportation, and other support services.
The Logistical Support unit is crucial to the success of the Grand Trivin Army, as it ensures that soldiers have the resources they need to perform their duties effectively. It may include a variety of subunits, such as supply corps, transportation units, and medical units, all of which work together to provide the necessary support to the rest of the military.
  The Logistical Support unit may also be responsible for coordinating with external organizations and vendors to obtain the resources needed to support military operations. This may involve negotiating contracts, managing inventory, and tracking expenses.
Overall, the Logistical Support unit plays a vital role in the Grand Trivin Army, ensuring that soldiers have the resources and support they need to carry out their duties effectively and efficiently.


The Auxilia is a unit within the Grand Trivin Army that provides support to the main military forces. This support can take many forms, including logistical support (such as providing supplies and equipment), medical care, transportation, and other services.
The Auxilia may be made up of a variety of subunits, each with its own specific focus and responsibilities. For example, there may be a transportation unit responsible for moving soldiers and equipment, a medical unit providing care to the wounded, and a logistics unit responsible for procuring and distributing supplies.
The Auxilia is often made up of civilian volunteers or conscripts who are not full-time soldiers, but who are willing to provide support to the military during times of conflict or emergency. These individuals may be trained in specific skills or tasks, and may work alongside regular military personnel to provide the necessary support to the Grand Trivin Army.
  Overall, the Auxilia is an important part of the Grand Trivin Army, providing vital support and services to the main military forces and helping to ensure their success on the battlefield.


The cost of maintaining the Grand Trivin Army is likely to be a significant expense for the Trivin Empire, given the size and complexity of the military organization. Some of the factors that may impact the cost of upkeep include: Personnel costs: This includes salaries and benefits for soldiers, officers, and other military personnel, as well as training and education expenses. With a military of around 30,000 people, personnel costs are likely to be a major factor in the overall cost of upkeep.
  Equipment costs: The Grand Trivin Army will need to regularly maintain and replace equipment, such as weapons, mounts,wagons and magical systems.
  Supply costs: The military will need to purchase or produce a wide range of supplies, including food, water, ammunition, and magical resources required to sustain operations. The cost of these supplies may vary depending on the availability of resources.
  Transportation costs: The cost of the mounts and wagons to transport the supplies and personnel cannot be understated, but also the magical upkeep cost of the Elite Teleportation Network maintained by the Citium Mages on Contract.
Housing and infrastructure costs: The military may need to build or maintain Forts, barracks, and other infrastructure to support its operations. These costs may vary depending on the size and complexity of the facilities required.


The Grand Trivin Army recruits soldiers from a variety of sources, including the general population of the Trivin Empire as well as former mercenaries or adventurers, town guards, and other individuals with relevant skills or experience. The military may also recruit young and idealistic individuals who are eager to serve their country and protect its citizens.
In modern times, the Grand Trivin Army is less likely to conscript commoners, as it recognizes the potential risks and complications that can arise when recruiting individuals who may have relatives or connections to other organizations or groups. Instead, the military may focus on recruiting individuals who are skilled with weapons and who are eager to join the military of their own accord.
  The Trivin Empire's martial tradition may also encourage individuals who are young and physically fit to enlist in the military, as a way of serving their country and protecting its citizens. It's possible that the military may offer incentives or rewards to individuals who choose to enlist, such as education or training opportunities, or access to advanced equipment or resources.
  Overall, the Grand Trivin Army appears to have a diverse recruitment pool and a range of requirements for potential recruits. Its recruitment policies may be influenced by a variety of factors, including the current needs of the military, the strategic goals of the Trivin Empire, and the cultural values and traditions of the empire.
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Assumed Veterancy
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