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Grand Trivin Navy

The Grand Trivin Navy is a resourceful and scrappy naval force, tasked with patrolling the "Trivin Way," the main trade artery of the empire. While they may not receive as many supplies or troops as other branches of the military, they have learned to make the most of their situation by scavenging and procuring resources from enemy fleets they encounter. Working closely with the Trivin Marines, they play a crucial role in protecting the empire's maritime interests. Due to their limited budget, the Grand Trivin Navy adopts a strategy of intimidation and swift action when dealing with pirates near the Trivin Way. When they come across hostile pirate vessels, the navy fires upon them, forcing them to flee. Once the pirates are chased away, the navy signals to the Trivin Marines, who operate their smaller but swifter crafts.
  Under the cover of darkness, the Trivin Marines board the captured hostile vessel, taking the pirates by surprise and gaining control of the ship. The pirates are then brought back to a friendly dock where the captured vessel is proudly commissioned into the Grand Trivin Navy's fleet. The successful capture of enemy ships not only expands the navy's capabilities but also serves as a morale boost for both the navy and the Trivin Marines.
  This close cooperation between the Grand Trivin Navy and the Trivin Marines allows them to pool their strengths and resources, making them a formidable force against pirates and other threats to the Trivin Empire's maritime trade routes.
  While they may face challenges due to their limited resources, the Grand Trivin Navy's ingenuity, determination, and ability to make the most of every situation make them an essential component of the empire's defense and its efforts to safeguard its economic interests along the Trivin Way. The naval force's ability to adapt and thrive in challenging circumstances reflects the resilience and resourcefulness of the Trivin people as a whole.



The navy should be in Equal strength to the Grand Trivin Army at 20 000, but most of the time its at half strength or less, hovering at 7500-10 000, if it was ever given the resources it needed the sunken banks and pirates would cease being an issue but Trivin is surrounded by foes of the empire.


The Navy is a Strong Proponent of the Bayhollow Battleship doctrine, of big heavy ship of the lines are more effective than many smaller frigates.


Grand Admiral: The highest-ranking officer in the Grand Trivin Navy, holding the overall command and authority over the entire naval force. The Grand Admiral is responsible for making strategic decisions, setting long-term goals, and coordinating naval operations in alignment with the Trivin Empire's military objectives.
Admiral: Admirals are high-ranking officers who hold significant authority and command within the navy. They may be assigned to lead specific fleets, naval regions, or important naval bases. Admirals are responsible for overseeing multiple ships and coordinating naval operations in their assigned area.
  Commodore: A Commodore is a senior naval officer who may command a group of ships, often referred to as a "squadron." They may be responsible for specific missions, patrol areas, or escort duties. Commodores report to higher-ranking officers, such as admirals, and ensure that their assigned ships are prepared and ready for action.
  Captain: Captains are responsible for commanding individual ships within the navy. They lead the crew and make operational decisions for their assigned vessel. Captains report to higher-ranking officers, such as commodores or admirals, and are crucial for executing naval strategies effectively.
  Lieutenant: Lieutenants are junior officers who serve as second-in-command to the ship's captain. They assist the captain in managing the ship's crew and operations. Lieutenants are also responsible for various tasks, such as navigation, communications, and maintaining discipline on board.   Ensign/Midshipman: Ensigns and Midshipmen are entry-level officers who may be responsible for specific duties on board the ship. They are still learning and gaining experience in naval operations, and they report to higher-ranking officers.
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