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A Brief Note

Dedicated to the worship and service of Ilmater, the Crying God. The clergy dedicate themselves to providing healing and succour to all in need, whatever the cost to themselves, as they believe life is sacred and that suffering to preserve it is holy. Misunderstood and scorned by those hard of heart, the Ilmatari are yet loved and relied upon by multitudes of ordinary folk, and so the church has the widest and most faithful following in all Rondo, although as of the Immortal Wars much of that following is to the New Triad rather than solely to Ilmater.   We are often the most caring and sensitive of people, amongst worshippers of the New Triad, we are also the most forgiving, many are perplexed by our decisions to accept past enemies and endeavouring to repair past grievances.   New initiates of our faith are often overcome by the suffering they witnessed as part of our work and are driven to tears. Worn down, they could develop a cynical attitude towards life, but most persevere nonetheless, even when faced with hopeless causes. We simply have to help. Thus cynicism and dark humour are not uncommon among Ilmatari, but this is largely accepted by our many orders. For such believers, "Today is the first day in what's left of your life," fitted well into Ilmater's dogma, with the addition of "So live it well.". Personally, it is a quote to live by, why fear the coming day when you may come to another’s aid in the present.   We do not impede the desires of others, nor are we to judge them, even when those desires conflict with our own duty to alleviate suffering and provide healing. For example, an Ilmatari will not stop an injured warrior from charging back into battle, seeking death in combat. Rather, they will heal the warrior enough to move and fight, let them choose their own fate.   It is our duty to be punctual, it is unwise to delay an Ilamtari for unnecessary greed and as a rule, astrology is the pursuit of fools and the desperate. Those of my ilk are partial to the saying "long and strong as Artaemos’ devotion", after Artaemos’ long journey across Rondo for his devotion to Ilmater and his redemption of our holy order against the actions of the Archsufferer.  



As old as our faith itself, the Dogma of Ilmateri teaches us our responsibilities and values. Even amongst the most novice of our holy order, all may recite it as if the words were set in stone inside of their souls. There were regional variations to Ilmatari doctrine. In Eyvine, they held the standard view that Ilmater promised freedom from bondage and slavery. In Trivin, however, it was claimed that Ilmater would remove a person's pain if their labours led them toward the Trivine ideal of a life of pragmatism.   We are to help all who suffer, without regard for who they were or how they suffer,   We are to heal the wounded and treat the sick,   We are to give comfort to the dying,   We are to give counsel to those grieving or depressed, lonely or lost, and give shelter and alms to those who've lost everything,   We do what has to be done when no one else will,   We are to be generous and share, giving all we may to the poor, and placing others before ourselves,   Life is sacred and holy,   We are to carry the burdens and pain of others,   Only the truly holy take on others' suffering.,   We are to endure and persevere against hardship and pain,   Know that if we suffer in the name of Ilmater, he will be there to support us,   all injustices should be challenged,   We defend and aid the causes of the oppressed and unjustly treated,   We act for and defend those who could not do so themselves,   We stand up to every oppressor and tyrant, resisting them in any way, both small and great,   We hold to our principles and keep to our causes if they are right and just, no matter the risk,   We embrace spiritualism of life over materialism and the physical body,   When dedicated to the service of Ilmater, He will provide for us,   We leave the pursuit of wealth and luxuries to others, seek only medicines and alms,   Death with meaning is never shameful.  

Behaviours of the Devout

We dedicate ourselves to helping and healing the sick and injured, the oppressed, the deceased, and the poor. We provide healing, care, and treatment for those who suffer injuries or disease. Ilmatari also share what we have with the needy, by donating food, drink, and firewood to the impoverished and starving, and providing shelter for the homeless. We offer moral support and counselling to those who need it and speak up for the persecuted. In addition, we serve as guides for those who've become lost and bury the deceased. To fund our work, we tour the wealthy areas of towns and cities seeking donations to help cover the costs of the church.   However, our primary focus is on healing injury and disease and we’re known as some of the best healers in Rondo. We operate the greatest number, the largest, and best quality infirmaries and leper sanctuaries of any church, even outside the Triad. We Ilmatari are trained from the time we’re initiated in the skills of healing and herbalism, learning to recognize and treat every injury, known disease, and other ailments. Senior clerics cast programmed illusions that demonstrated a variety of injuries and diseases so that junior priests can learn to accurately diagnose them. We must continually gather herbs and prepare medicines to be ready for future needs. Many priests are also able to brew their own potions to sell and spread their healing further.   Ilmatari go where they are needed to reduce suffering, and so we’re often found in some of the worst possible conditions, areas stricken with poverty, plague, or warfare. If war is impending, then we must gather supplies in order to treat the dying and wounded, with litters, tents, bandages, splints, healing potions, and shovels by the wagon-load, and Ilmatari will flock to the battle.   We also join adventuring groups, where we’re often the ones who take all the risks to save people in danger or perform other acts of heroism, putting the needs of others above our own, to the exclusion of our personal safety. A few Ilmatari, on the other hand, go into seclusion as hermits in harsh wildernesses, such as on the island of Aitar.   Although Ilmatari monks are commonly based in abbeys and monasteries away from the temples, some monks do reside in the temples. There they serve as teachers of specialist knowledge, educating other Ilmatari, or they are defenders, using their martial arts to protect the temple and those who dwell there.   In those lands where orphans and unwanted babes are left at churches and monasteries, those of Ilmater are a popular choice. The priests and monks do their best to raise these children, and they grow up within the faith, sometimes adopting our views.  


Initiation of Ilmatari

Initiation into the clergy of Ilmater is uncomplicated. A novice expressing an interest in joining goes on a simple walk with a senior priest who, as they converse, explores the individual's views on life. Then they dine, and the novice is given wine that induces a slight trance so that their mind may be examined with magic. This is done with the full knowledge of the novice and performed by various other clerics or wizards sympathetic to the Ilmatari. They closely examine their loyalties, goals, and true feelings and determine if any deception has occurred, or whether the novice is genuinely suitable for the faith. This practice was introduced to prevent false applicants from joining simply to learn the church's healing knowledge and steal their medicines, as had happened often in the church's early history. Deceit, a devotion to evil, or loyalties to another faith or to a secular organization or authority disqualifies the applicant.   If found genuine, then the novice is accepted as a full member of the clergy. They are dressed in simple grey robes and pronounced one of the Adorned.  

Titles of the Faithful

Truthfully one of the most cherished memories I have is speaking with my mentor, Father Dhoneil, in the garden of [Aurfak’s Town]. Although I cannot recall the taste of the wine, the clarity I felt at that moment was unlike anything I had ever felt before. The only time I believe may prove of greater significance in my begotten tale is my service to Lord Stonearch of which I am eternally grateful. Titles of The Faithful The clergy of Ilmater are known collectively as "Ilmatari", other terms in use are "Ilmateran", "Ilmatran", and "Ilmat". Ilmatari could also call themselves "Sufferers".   Monks, clerics, and specialty priests in the Ilmatari faith are known as the Adorned. Clerics and specialty priests of Ilmater were both simply called "clerics" around [Insert Year], but specialty priests are known as pain bearers by [Insert Year]. By [Insert Year], all priests of Ilmater are called "pain bearers".   The clergy refer to each other as "Brother" or "Sister". Senior clergy are called "Revered", such as "Revered Sister". Those who are leaders of temples, monasteries, and abbeys are addressed as "Mother" or "Father", and "of the House" is added to their title, such as "Revered Father of the House". No other titles were commonly used. The greatest of the faith are called "Saint" and often bear a unique title.   Individual titles for important clergy were in use throughout the history of the church, such as "Archsufferer", "Exalted Sufferer", "Master Sufferer", and "Enduring Servant"  

Hierarchy of The Adorned

We Adorned have a fairly loose and informal hierarchy, organized around the Revered Father or Mother of the nearest large temple, monastery, or abbey. All Ilmatari in the region reported to this person and are loosely ranked under them. The abbeys and monasteries, though usually located separately from the churches, are often linked to a specific temple, adding an extra level to this hierarchy.   There is no overall leader of the faith or a governing council. Instead, a collection of senior clergy meets on occasion in informal conclaves to make decisions.   One line of the clergy is the Sage-Priests. The senior Sage-Priest is the official historian of the church, and they adopt individual titles such as the Spontaer and the Keeper of the Old Faith  

Saints and Martyrs of Ilmater

The faith of Ilmater has many saints, unlike most other faiths of the Triad pantheon. Thanks to its practices and tenets, the Church of Ilmater produces a high number of martyrs and saints. It is the only faith to have a saint known as "the Twice-Martyred". Many Ilmatari hope to follow this path, and the martyrs are highly revered, even venerated.   As such, martyred champions—those who've sacrificed themselves and returned to life—lay outside the church hierarchy, operating as free agents. Such people are heroes of the struggle against evil and suffering, and they are completely devoted to Ilmater's teachings.   St. [Insert Name 1] the Twice-Martyred, represented by a [Insert Heraldry 1], and revered from the Monastery of the [Insert Heraldry 1] by the Disciples of St. [Insert Name 1] the Twice-Martyred. St. Artaemos, the patron saint of Redemption, is revered by the Order of St. Artaemos. St. [Insert Name 3] the [Insert Adjective], revered by the Disciples of St. [Inser Name 3] the [Insert Adjective]. St. [Insert Name 4] of the [Insert Landmark], revered by the Sisters of St. [Insert Name 4] of the [Insert Landmark].   [Insert 9 more Saints / Martyrs]  

Orders of Ilmatari


The Church of Ilmater includes several affiliated knightly orders consisting of paladins and other warriors, as well as numerous monastic orders of monks. Most Ilmatari monastic orders have a symbolic flower that has particular importance to them. Traditionally, this flower forms the name of their respective monastery, but this was not a rule.  

Priestly orders

Alleviators: A faction that focused on teaching people to cope with and endure pain and suffering.  

Knightly orders

Companions of the Noble Heart: An aggressive order that focuses on fighting and destroying those who are cruel or enjoy the pain and suffering of others, particularly the church of Loviatar. Holy Warriors of Suffering Order of the Golden Cup: An order that focuses on healing and protecting the innocent, sick, and weak. Order of the Lambent Rose  

Monastic orders

Broken Ones: An order responsible for the defence of Ilmater's temples and shrines, which also sought to punish those who inflicted cruelty. Disciples of St. Morgan the Taciturn Disciples of St. Sollars the Twice-Martyred: A monastic order that specialized in genealogical studies. Followers of the Unhindered Path Order of St. Dionysus: An often-inebriated order active in the Bloodstone Lands. Order of St. Uzurr: An order that governed the city of Uzurr in Lapaliiya. Sisters of St. Jasper of the Rocks Weeping Friars: These were the most fanatical believers in the idea of "bleeding" for others.  

Other orders

School of the Penitents: This group spread the faith to the denizens of the Underdark from hidden enclaves. Monastics Militant of Ilmater: Originally all knightly orders of Ilmatari fell under the banner of this faction, led by the Archsufferer, however after the events of Artaemos’ Folly the Monastics Militant would be disbanded into several smaller orders with the position of Archsufferer being condemned to history.  

Cults & heresies

Cult of Shared Suffering: A heretical cult that held the view that suffering should be shared with others, and non-believers in particular.  

Rituals of Ilmatari

Clerics of Ilmater pray for our divine magic once per day, in the morning, following a period of meditation. We ritualistically pray to Ilmater six times a day or more, every single day without exception.   The clergy observe no annual holy days and celebrate no regular festivities. However, an Adorned can make a Plea of Rest to Ilmater requesting a special dispensation for time off. The Rest is a week during which time they are exempt from the rules laidn out by Ilmater's faith. This is normally called for if the Adorned is emotionally exhausted by their work, but some exploit the time to perform deeds that Ilmater would normally disapprove of. Some church leaders depend on this tradition, using the Rest to send their best fighting or adventuring clergy out to perform deeds they can not normally do, such as covertly bringing down a tyrant instead of making an open confrontation.   Clerics of Ilmater are duty-bound to convince the dying to pray to Ilmater, in a ritual of the highest importance called the Turning. If a dying person turned to Ilmater, praying for his comfort, then they would receive his blessing before they died. However, this did not change their patron deity or alter their destiny in the afterlife. Even in death, it is believed Ilmater's healing powers grew with greater veneration.   A Suffering is a special occasion in which a priest of Ilmater willingly endures some manner of torment. From their First Suffering, an Ilmatari could go through a number of Sufferings in their life-time. For example, soon after becoming leader of the House of the [Insert House], [Insert Character] underwent her First Suffering, in which she had herself bound to a rack and dragged by mules as she visited temples and shrines of Ilmater all along the Sword Coast. Whenever the mules were rested, she was beaten once and hard with a consecrated threshing flail by a non-believer.   Priests of Ilmater reportedly regularly engage in self-flagellation around [Insert Year], though this was typically a minor ritual. This and other similar rites are never intended to have any serious consequences or injury.   An Ilmatran wedding ceremony emphasizes that both partners will support each other through any hardship they might face.


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