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Ilmatari Penscle WIP

A Brief History

Originally formed to oppose the depravity of the Unnamed Goblin nation and their allied tribes, which would eventually form the Understabs. The Ilmatari Penscle stem from the Penscle Sito Triad, a conglomerate of many penscle orders which carry out the martial tasks and responsibilities of the Church of the New Triad. Although these holy knights may track their history for hundreds of years through Rondo's records they may not exactly be proud of their heritage in its entirety. It is known prior to the formation of the Penscle Sito Triad that they were known as "Ilmatari Knights" and participated heavily in the Crusader Purges. One not aware of the values of the faith of Ilmater may see this as the peak of this order with greater sway in court and territories than they currently possess However, with several heresies occurring, this is acknowledged as an age of shame for Ilmatari across Rondo.

Orders of the Ilmatari Penscle

As they do follow the teachings of the Broken God, all orders of the Ilmatari Penscle possess a natural disposition against Talona, Bane, Bhaal, Garagos, Malar, Myrkul, Shar, and Talos with an extreme hatred of Lothiander and her servants due to their polar opposition to The Lord on The Rack and his Ilmatari (think Christians opinion on Satan and Satanists). Of course, each order will have differing levels of hatred against the aforementioned deities depending on their specialised foes and experiences, especially as most are considered dead at this time.

The following are orders of Penscle within the Ilmatari faith, subsidiaries of Ilmatari Knights that when unified was so great and powerful they could be seen as equivalent to a nation of their own right. However, following the Artaemos' Folly the Ilmatari Knights, as they were known at the time, haemorrhaged the power they had strived for centuries to gain. This forced the hands of the most respected knights to take on the title and responsibility of Penscle Seesho, Knight Captain, with the master of their order made equal to their equivalent among Tormnian and Eilistraeen Penscles.
  First, of the five orders, the Breakers of The Rack follow the harsher and more controversial teachings of the Ilmatari, namely that those who would cause suffering and unnecessary death must be exterminated, sacrificing one's own purity to safeguard the innocence of others. Raid goblins and disrupt operations Martyrs of The Lambent Rose - Specialize in fiends + undead   Holy Warriors of Suffering - Oppose tyranny and remove tyrants   Knights of The Golden Cup - Oppose servants of hated deities / evil cultists   Companions of The Bleeding Shield - Eliminate bandits, gangs, monsters, etc  
The Knights hate the goblin faction because of the immense amount of suffering and pain that they cause. The people being taken to the goblin held territory to never to be seen again sparked rampant paranoia and rumour about what happened to prisoners.

Timeline of the Ilmatari Penscle

____ Immortal Wars - Ilmatari Penscle properly formed as successor organisation to the Monastics Militant of Ilmater and placed under both the Penscle Sito Triad which is in turn under the Triadic Order of Justice within the Church of The New Triad.   ____ Fourth Great War - With the Church of The New Triad practically acting as a safe haven for refugees, the Triadic Order of Justice fortified and reinforced the living shit out of Eyvine and acted as peacekeepers in the surrounding regions. It is known their numbers grew exponentially due to their actions at this time   ____ Fifth Great War - Again rather than participating as a faction within the war, the Ilmatari Penscle were deployed as peacekeepers, forcing armies out of their lands and safe harbouring refugees. Again their efforts caused the church to growth to justify the losses of the Penscle Sito Triad by far   42 AFGW - Having gained a great deal of strength since their inception, the Ilmatari Penscle have been engaging the goblins of the Understabs once more with far more effect than they once did. Their efforts seem only to slow the advance of the swarm however with each death and each felled goblin Ilmater's paradise comes closer to being a reality.
Founding Date
____ IW
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
Knights of Ilmater
Predecessor Organization
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Penscle of Ilmater
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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