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Kendorian Bards College

The present Head of each College is listed below for more details please contact the Administratum.

All Bard can trace their roots to the Kendorian Bards College, they themselves might not have attended but their mentor might.


Director - Bella Songstream (high elf) (female)
She is an old elf over 300 years, she has been the director for over 150 Years Leading the school in her vision and direction. She is a stern and harsh taskmistress but has taught many skilled Wizards. She is very involved in the political scene in the city alongside her sister they hold much sway on the playing field.
Head of Eloquence Preaz Hitbitz (orc) (Female)

Head of Glamour Zaza Lizze-devo (teifling) (Male)
Zaza has an Incubus father and thus is too pretty and is Ace and thus not interested in sex but people keep propositioning him so he got VERY good at glamours so that not even high-level people (thus stronger than him) were able to see through his illusions. He deliberately makes himself ugly however his aura of sexy still keeps making people attracted to him and has thus led him to the study of attraction and the sexy/ugly spectrum. Zaza has standards and does not want to be repulsively ugly so he is constantly searching for that sweet spot of ugly enough not to be bothered but pretty enough that people don't club him in the street or cross the road to get away from him.
He has a habit of cataloguing attraction and repulsion points in students during his teaching in class, by passing in front of them in a series of different forms on the days leading up to his classes (and the early weeks of school) so that he can make sure his glamour is exactly repulsive enough he can survive the whole year without being propositioned for better grades or for an Easy A, and don't get him started on those thinking trying to mind control a Head of a school would end well.
Head of Lore Terrance Wolfgang (half-elf) (Male)

Head of Swords Jacks Swing (human) (Female)

Head of Valor Nicholas Strongbow (human) (Male)
Nicholas Strongbow is very good at speeches and Inspiring Members to go on to achieve greatness. Nicholas Strongbow is well known for his Historic Charge against great odds in the Fifth Geat War. After his valiant inspiring speach he was the first to lead the charge despite being known for his longbow skills.
Nicholas learned archery purely to hide in the backline away from being stabbed slashedor bludgeoned. Nicholas was the first to charge but the last to meet the attacking line. Nicholas is an Amazing Con Artist and is 2 Levels under what he is said to be, and has managed to pass every Bluff check. Nicholas became the head due to his tall tales of his exploits reaching ears and his art of inspiring others with great tales working well. Nicholas is fairly competent in passing on his skills the only problem is he doesnt have the skills specfic to the School of Valor and tends to get other teachers to teach on ccore subjects but does tend to teach the art of lying with the truth and PR and changing perceptions so others are unsure of the truth and the lie in stories and information.
Originally from the Wastelands but has convinced and woven tales that people swear up and down to remembering him fondly growing up in Trivin, despite a Pirate Armada remembering fondly the young bard they grew up alongside in the Deadmans Drop who still owes some of them child support and some lost bets.

Head of Whispers Klaap Cilente (Veldaken)(male)
Klaap Cilente had his throat cut and is now only able to talk in whispers. Makes him hugely noticeable when travelling around Rondo. Klaap used to work for the previous Head of whispers as a Spy but due to having his throat cut by a Divinely empowered Knife and his face became known he had to retire.
Due to nepotism he was hired as an assistant teacher (fully expecting him to fail due to the whispering voice) however actually turned out to be a really good teacher. As his quite voice entraps his students and draws them in forcing them to pay attention.
Klaap Cilente is one of the youngest Heads, and was chosen as the Head of Whispers purely due to his injury and the chuckle it gave the director in the 3 seconds she paid to the choosing of the next head between other duties. Klaap Cilente is actually suited for his job but knows that the only reason he has it is a mixture of luck and connections and it bothers him that he deserves it but got it due to being injured one of his greatest mistakes.

Head of Preaching- Sandra Shkreamr(Aasimar) (female)

Head of Creation - Morticia Couture (Illithiad) Female)
Morticia Couture is friendly with every necromancer in the city alongside every mortician (when the two don't overlap), she prefers not to eat live brains and has come to enjoy the taste of dead brains, finds the cool taste refreshing. Morticia is considered a deviant in illythiad culture and was thus kicked out for liking dead people by her Overmind, as it did not want such deviant thought to infect his hive.
Morticia was eventually found by an insane bard who tried to seduce her (as one of the only species he hadn't been with yet). Considering the bad PR of Mind Flayers have she decided that learning the art of the gab and convincing people not to murder her through charisma might be a smart idea if she didn't want to murderhobo everyone.
Morticia Eventually got good enough and old enough that she had accumulated enough lore and skill that she was strong-armed into working for the College.
Knowing that it would be a smart move and would also mean she would no longer have to look over her shoulder for a Gith or crazed adventurer she decided to join up with the college to spread her knowledge...
She is a well-rounded bard but since the College of Creation was the only opening at the time this is the spot she was given and since nobody has attempted to become the head since she has been stuck teaching it.
Morticia has a slightly morbid sense of humor, and considers everyone wanting to kill her is passive agressive back by being deliberately as creepy as possible with all the charisma to pull it off and come off as charming rather than stab worthy.



Kendor The First True Bard founder of the Kendorian Bards College before the Great Calamity during the Golden age of Prosperity.
It is located in Citium and is where all good bards come from! You learn only the best from Kendorian Bard’s College! You can even learn from home with their long-distance course(graduation time may vary).
It was founded on the principle that all are accepted if they pay of course unless they're hot, if they're hot then they get a discount.
All collages of bardic knowledge are taught at the Kendorian Bards College.
  When Kendor founded the college he gathered many former companions together, he taught each, one collage of thought after they were all proficient they then taught others and became the Head of each college with Kendor being the first director and each head teaching their own students (two per head) to become subs for each college. In the end creating a Hierarchy for the college that lives on to this day.


Director - Kendor The First True Bard (Genasi) (Male)
He is known throughout time as the bard who spent his life collecting all the different collages of thought to combine together into his bard’s college. What actually happened was he decided to challenge himself and sleep with all the best bards in the world around. Unfortunately for him he pissed off enough husbands and wives to get banned from everywhere civilised and bounties in others, so he decided to make a place he was accepted and use all of his seduced knowledge to found the Kendorian Bards College in Citium.
  Head of Eloquence - Rolia (Tiefling) (Female)
Rolia was first discovered by Kendor while she was begging in the streets. Kendor walked by and noticed her and asked her if she wanted to join him. With nothing to lose she agreed and always thought of Kendor as a kind and respectful person. (Kendor only wanted her because she looked hot).
    Head of Glamour - Eqa (Aarakocra) (Female)
Eqa Met Kendor during his journey of discovering and learning collages. Eqa was the headmaster for the Collage of Glamour and was one of Kendors Conquests. After they met she was head over heels for Kendor and wanted to be with him. After searching for him for around a year she discovered him creating his own collage and wanted to join as one of it’s teachers. Kendor didn’t recognize her but thought “she was so hot so why not”.
  Head of Lore - Vanelis (High Elf) (Male)
Vanelis was the smartest of the heads. He was recruited during interviews that Kendor himself created. Vanelis was the last one for the job and Kendor asked Vanelis if he knew magic as well as if he was also a lady. Vanelis at the time had long hair and wore neutral gender clothing. He said yes both times and was hired on the spot. (Kendor Discovered Vanelis was a guy a year after Vanelis became head of lore. Kendor was sick for a week after the discovery).
Head of Swords - Udduk (orc) (Male) Udduck was only hired because Kendor wanted more Diversity (he didn’t want to look suspicious hiring females only).
  Head of Valor - Ashlin (Human) (Female)
If you can describe Ashlin with one word it is NOT Valor. The only reason she accepted this job in the first place was because Kendor slept with her mother and Ashlin wanted revenge. But she was too chicken to try anything.
Head of Whispers - Orla (Gnome) (Female)
Orla was hired on the spot like some of the heads. Though the only reason why at the time was kendor thought if people that are half his size would give better blowjobs since they are used to it. Kendor discovered later that is not true but kept her around anyway because she already knew the college of whispers in the first place.
  Head of Preaching - Obsidian (Fire Genasi) (Female)
Obsidian was discovered while living in the slums. She was the head of a band of thieves. One day Obsidian Tried to steal from Kendor but he easily discovered her doing it and called her out on it (Kendor was excitedly examining her anyway) and Kendor offered her a job and helped her go away from crime and go straight.
  Head of Creation - n/a did not exist at the time.
Founding Date
52 after Hendraxus Heracy
Alternative Names
Bards College
College / Academy
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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