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Citium old

“You approach the White City, its walls not all that impressive simply functional walls that would hold off assault whether magical or physical. But the city itself has a functional beauty to all it’s building, the white structure is made to last the march of time and look both ancient but still fully functional.
The people walk around with their heads in the sky, far off looks or buried in books.
From every part of the city, you can see the foundational buildings of Citium, the Kendorian Bards Collage, the Cituim Library, the Rondian Observatory and the Citium Monastery”.
Citium is the Bastion of knowledge, it is the accumulated knowledge of all of Rondo.
It is populated by all the smartest people of Rondo all seeking to utilise and explicit the fabric of reality to their own benefit. The Cities sigil is a castle emblazoned over a flame."

Citium Library

The citium Library is a monolith structure created for the storage of all known information.   The library is run by the Azure senate, the idealistic law writing and peacekeeping political faction, and is lead by Professor Candice - Grandmaster of the Citium Library.

Citium Monastery

The Citium Monastery is a large organization with smaller monasteries scattered throughout the region of Rondo. It is focused on the pursuit of knowledge, both spiritual and martial in nature. The monastery is divided into three floors. The ground floor is the most frequently used and serves as the hub of the monastery, with areas dedicated to combat training, a library, and various other rooms such as storage and quarters. The lower floor contains the lobby and nine rooms known as the Eight Chambers, each with its own unique size, color, and style. The bottom floor is an underground cavern containing tombs guarded by iron golems. The temple also has a small scholarly mentorium, a non-militant section, and a small militant section, as with all temples to the Triad. The Supreme Minister of the monastery is Beatrice Grahame.    

Rondian Observatory

  The Rondian Observatory is a prestigious institution for those interested in the fields of invention, alchemy, and arcane study. Located in the city of Citium, the observatory is home to a team of skilled artificers who dedicate their time to researching and creating new technologies and magical artifacts. The observatory has four masters in different disciplines, as well as a grandmaster who oversees the entire institution. The front of the observatory features a field filled with graduation gifts from past students, ranging from automatons to defective placements. Prospective students must pass a series of tests before being accepted into the observatory, and those who graduate are highly sought after in their fields.

Kendorian Bards College

The Kendorian Bards College has a long and storied history, it is the premier location for bards to learn their craft. Most bards learn from the master here or are taught by someone who was.

Temple of the New Triad

The Temple of the New Triad in Citium is a small, but important religious centre in the city. It is dedicated to the worship of the three deities known as the New Triad - Thyr, Tymora, and Mystra. The temple is home to a community of devout worshippers and priests who serve the temple and its gods. It is a place of learning, contemplation, and spiritual growth for those who seek it. The temple is also known for its extensive library, which contains a wealth of knowledge about the deities and the history of the temple. Despite its small size, the Temple of the New Triad is a vital part of the Citium community and is respected and revered by many in the city.

Articles under Citium old


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