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Peaceful Tears

Assassins guild

Possibly the most prolific assassin guild in all of Rondo, it would appear they originated in the Wastelands, although the earliest source of a confirmed kill of theirs is in The Trivin Empire. Rumours persist they originate from Deadman Drop however, speculating the founders were group of former pirates banking on the skills of murder for profit.
Whatever origin for the guild is true, they are the most prominent guild around. Contrary to popular belief of bloodthirsty gangland warfare, evidence suggests when the Tears move into a new area they try to recruit any freelance assassin or peacefully subsume any local guild, very rarely is there an all out turf war, so it seems while there is no honour among thieves there is among assassins.
No one truly knows when there is a sect of the guild in a city as they like to keep their presence between themselves, clients and the occasional bribed official. You more often than not find out about them when they step on the toes of a large organisation or noble faction, proceeding to get their local outfit exterminated or ousted. Once they are no longer operating in the shadows their effectiveness drops dramatically, evidently paranoid targets make for harder targets.

It is rumoured that they have sects in every major settlement, but that can't be true right? That would make them one of the most widespread and powerful organisations…. right?


All the assassins of the guild operate under a moniker for example, “Blade”, “Killer”,” Slasher”, or “Juggernaut” called so in some sort of link to their unique style, skill or attribute. It is not known if an assassin can change their moniker or if it will remain the same as no undercover operative has ever returned.


While no real details are known, their general operations can be gleamed from proper sleuthing, they seem to adopt a basic ranking system within their organisation. Assassins within the brass of the guild being extremely expensive to hire and themselves accepting hits when they see fit. The lower class either get assigned a mission or can choose from a board of open and competitive contracts. Often contracts have specific requirements that make it strenuous to track what was plain murder and what was a paid assassination.
Often lower-tier assassins only operate locally while the upper class of Tears operate multi-regionally with high suspicions that they have a teleportation network more advanced than even the Citium Libraries but no evidence of it has ever been found.


Each sect has a "Master" who forsakes their previous name for the title. There is a Grand Master of the Entire Organisation known only as “The Mentor”. Often more experienced assassins are capable of taking charge of other elements within the guild and planning depending on the local master. Each master answers to The Mentor but otherwise can operate their sect as they see fit as long as contacts are fulfilled, casualties and exposure are kept to a minimum while packages find themselves lining the coffers of the organisation..

The Tears we shed, the Blood we spill for the Poison people spew

Founding Date
Guild, Assassins
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members


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