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The Four Stages of the Spitting Fever

After about, a week has passed or at DMs discretion player rolls a Con Save DC based on the stage, if pass they buy more time if they fail they go to the next stage.
There are three spell types, Active Spells Idle Spells and Burnt Spells;
Active Spells are healthy usable spells.
Idle Spells are spells that can be recovered but are unavailable at this time.
Burnt Spells are lost to the mage Until they are cured.
Stage 1 - Denial: XD20 - DC 10 - Where X is the number of spell slots used since the last long rest. Any success Causes all spell slots to be regained.
Stage 2 - Bargaining: XD20 - DC 12 - Where X is the number of idle spell slots since the previous recovery. Any Successful Rolls regains that spell slot. A Failed roll simply causes the spell slot to idle until the next long rest where another recovery attempt may occur.
Stage 3 - Anger: XD20 - DC 15 - Where X is the number of idle spell slots. For each success unlock a spell slot. If a roll fails, That spell slot is now locked, however, all other idle spell slots may be attempted again next long rest and no other rolls for recovery may be attempted this long rest.
Stage 4 - Depression:1D20 DC 17 - You may make a single attempt to unlock a spell slot. If that attempt succeeds, recover the spell slot. If the roll Fails all Idle spell slots are now locked.
Stage 5 - Acceptance: Death


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