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Spitting Plague

Plague / Epidemic


The Spitting Fever is a strange bacterial infection that was first discovered by Trivin’s Mages during the Cardinal Wars. The Plague Is still active and due to its resistance to commonly accessible cures is very much a threat.

“A well rationed mage would be best to always keep various herbal remedies on them while travelling Trivin lest the great plague were to befall upon them. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.” - Professor Candice - Grandmaster of the Citium Library
The Spitting Fever is a strange bacterial infection that was first discovered by Trivin’s Mages during the Cardinal Wars. The Plague Is still active and due to its resistance to commonly accessible cures is very much a threat.

The Infection typically only affects mages, clerics and druids as the bacteria seems to feed itself of magical energies; Natural, Divine, Eldritch or Learned, It matters not the type of magic, the bacteria is able to affect anyone who possesses spell slots, slowly draining their magical power and eventually claiming their lives when they run out, it also affects those of divine or magical heritage and is notorious for its immunity to any form of magical defence or healing. Although there has never been a case of the disease cured through the use of magic, there have been multiple herbal solutions that seem to work in combating the disease if there have been no attempts to heal it through magic. However the chance of curing the disease decreases if magic has been used in an attempt to cure it.
  Scholars at Citium Monastery noted that a manifest mutation of the bacteria resulted in a substance called “Phez Follas” a wondrous substance that can be used to destroy magical items, removing the magic from an item. For this to work the item must be fully submerged in the substance for up to seven days. The magical energy removed from the item settles at the bottom in liquid form, dubbed “Ambrosia” by Scholars but currently has little practical use.

“A most bizarre fate befell me on my last attempt. I woke up one morning with a strange fever. It has been quite some time since I had a fever I thought, but the worst was yet to come, a weakness and quite the cough be felled over me for the next few days before suddenly, I’m here. It is here I will ask: could there possibly be a disease that can kill the already dead?”
“I hear that Trivin has Dubbed it “Spitting Fever”, a disease that feeds on the magic that’s oh-so important to Rondo. The healers have gone wild, with no idea what to do, last I heard they claim that mercury rubbed on the skin can cure it! Preposterous!! But alas, I have found a cure that works every time: Vartmilirus Nectar! although it’s becoming very rare in the current time just a few drops on the tongue will cure any case. But when the masses find out… and with those flowers already in decline… I fear they may quickly become extinct.”
  Two Extracts from “The Cursed Journal”
to see more on how you are dying see "The Four Stages of The Spitting Plague."