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The Revelry

The Revelry is a distinct pantheon in the world of Rondo, emerging from the chaos following the Eldritch Encounter and the collapse of many former pantheons. It represents a coalition of deities unified under the aftermath of divine turmoil. Initially led by Mystral, The Revelry underwent a significant change in leadership after Mystral's demise during the Great Calamity. Mystra, deeply connected to the arcane, ascended as the new leader, symbolizing a new era for the pantheon.   The deities within The Revelry are:   Juramento: A deity of oaths and vows, representing the sanctity and consequences of one's word and promises. Kelemvor: The just god of the dead, guiding souls to their appropriate afterlife, emphasizing a respectful view of death. Meilikki: Goddess of forests, she embodies the protection and harmony of the natural world, revered by those who cherish and safeguard nature. Mystra: As the leader, Mystra is the embodiment of magic and knowledge, representing the pursuit and expansion of arcane power. Oghma: God of knowledge, invention, and inspiration, Oghma is the patron of bards, scholars, and inventors, symbolizing the pursuit of wisdom. The Revelry, with its diverse deities, signifies a broad spectrum of influence, from nature and the cycle of life and death to the realms of knowledge and magic.

Mythology & Lore

The Revelry in Rondo's mythology came into existence following the collapse of many former pantheons, a consequence of the high number of casualties in the Eldritch Encounter and subsequent infighting. Originally led by Mystral, the Revelry saw a change in leadership after Mystral's death during the Great Calamity, when Mystra assumed the role of leader. This transition marked a significant shift in the group's dynamics and influence within the pantheon of Rondo.

Divine Origins

The Revelry traces its origins to the aftermath of the Eldritch Encounter, a cataclysmic event that led to the downfall of many former pantheons. This period was marked by significant divine conflict and casualties, creating a vacuum in the spiritual realm.   The teachings, beliefs, and rituals of The Revelry developed as a response to this turmoil. The deities within this pantheon, each having survived the chaos, came together to form a new, unified front. This collaboration was rooted in the shared experiences of resilience and adaptation in the face of adversity.   The beliefs and practices of The Revelry are a blend of the individual domains and aspects of its member deities, ranging from the sanctity of nature and life-death cycles to the pursuit of knowledge and magical prowess. The rituals reflect this diversity, incorporating elements of honoring the dead, celebrating the natural world, and exploring the arcane.   As a pantheon formed from the remnants of older ones, The Revelry's development represents both a continuity of the old and an adaptation to the new circumstances in the divine landscape of Rondo.

Tenets of Faith

Respect the Balance of Nature: Followers of Meilikki are encouraged to protect and preserve the natural world, recognizing the sacred balance between all living things.   Pursue Knowledge and Wisdom: Adherents of Oghma and Mystra are guided to seek knowledge, understanding, and mastery of the arcane, valuing intellectual growth and the sharing of wisdom.   Honor the Cycle of Life and Death: Kelemvor's influence teaches the faithful to view death with respect and acceptance, understanding it as a natural and necessary part of life.   Uphold the Sanctity of Oaths: Juramento's followers believe in the sacredness of promises and vows, emphasizing honesty, commitment, and the consequences of one's word.   Embrace and Respect Magic: Mystra's domain guides followers to explore and respect the powers of magic, understanding its potential and limitations within the natural order.   These tenets form the core principles of The Revelry, guiding its followers in a path that intertwines respect for nature, the pursuit of knowledge, understanding of life and death, and the sacredness of commitments and magic. Each deity's influence is reflected in these principles, creating a comprehensive and diverse set of guidelines for the faithful.


The ethics of The Revelry in Rondo are shaped by the extended interpretations of its core tenets, guiding the daily lives and decisions of its faithful. These ethical guidelines are deeply rooted in the aspects of the deities within the pantheon:   Respecting Nature: Acts of environmental conservation and promoting the balance of ecosystems are considered pious. Conversely, harming nature or disrupting ecological balance is viewed as a sin, particularly among followers of Meilikki.   Pursuit of Knowledge and Wisdom: Constant learning and sharing of knowledge, especially in the fields of magic and lore, are highly valued. Ignorance, particularly willful ignorance, and the misuse of knowledge for malevolent purposes are seen as unethical.   Honoring Life and Death: Treating death with dignity and respect, and providing care for the dying and bereaved, are virtuous acts. Fear or exploitation of death, and disrespect for the deceased, are seen as grave misdeeds.   Upholding Promises: Keeping one's word and fulfilling oaths are considered paramount. Breaking promises or lying is heavily frowned upon, aligning with the teachings of Juramento.   Balanced Use of Magic: Using magic responsibly and in harmony with the natural order is a pious act. Misusing magic, especially for personal gain at the expense of others, is regarded as a serious ethical violation.   These ethical principles serve as a moral compass for the followers of The Revelry, ensuring that their actions align with the diverse yet harmonious teachings of their deities.


The priesthood of The Revelry is composed of diverse clerics and spiritual leaders, each dedicated to one of the pantheon's deities. These priests and priestesses are often chosen based on their devotion, understanding, and embodiment of their respective deity's principles. The selection process varies across the different deities within The Revelry:   Priests of Meilikki: Chosen for their deep connection with nature and their commitment to its preservation. They often serve as guardians of sacred groves and guides to those seeking harmony with the natural world.   Sages of Oghma and Mystra: Selected for their pursuit of knowledge and mastery of the arcane. These individuals are often scholars, librarians, or mages who have shown a deep understanding of the mystical and intellectual realms.   Clerics of Kelemvor: Appointed for their solemn respect for the cycle of life and death. They often act as spiritual counselors for the dying and bereaved, and caretakers of graveyards and memorial sites.   Advocates of Juramento: Chosen for their unwavering honesty and integrity. They serve as mediators and judges, upholding the sanctity of oaths and promises within their communities.   Magi of Mystra: Selected for their exceptional magical abilities and understanding of magical theory. They are often tasked with overseeing magical practices within their communities to ensure they align with the balance of nature.   Priests of The Revelry are distinguished from the rest of the flock by their attire, symbols, and practices specific to their deity. For example, a priest of Meilikki might wear robes adorned with natural motifs, whereas a sage of Oghma might be identified by their extensive collection of scrolls and books. Their role is not only to lead worship and rituals but also to guide and educate the followers in the ways of their deity, ensuring the continuation and adherence to the tenets of The Revelry.

Granted Divine Powers

The divine powers granted by the deities of The Revelry in Rondo to their priests and faithful followers reflect the diverse domains and aspects of each deity within the pantheon:   Nature's Guardianship (Meilikki): Followers might receive powers to heal and protect natural life, communicate with animals, and summon natural elements or creatures to aid them.   Arcane Knowledge and Magic (Mystra): Devotees are often blessed with enhanced magical abilities, including spellcasting prowess, magical insight, and protection against magical harm.   Wisdom and Insight (Oghma): Granted abilities might include divination, enhanced understanding, and the ability to uncover hidden truths or knowledge.   Guidance Through Life and Death (Kelemvor): Powers could involve guiding souls to the afterlife, protection against undead, and healing the dying or grievously wounded.   Integrity and Truth (Juramento): Followers might be empowered to detect lies, bind others to truth, or be shielded against deception and betrayal.   These divine gifts are typically granted to those who show exceptional devotion and alignment with their deity's tenets, enabling them to perform acts of worship, protection, and guidance in line with their faith.


Within The Revelry, various sects and factions have emerged, each aligning with specific deities of the pantheon and interpreting the core tenets in unique ways. These groups, while adhering to the overarching principles of The Revelry, bring their own nuances to the practice and worship of their chosen deity.   Guardians of the Green (Meilikki Sect): This sect is intensely focused on environmental protection and activism. They are more radical in their approach to preserving nature than the mainstream followers of Meilikki, often engaging in direct actions against those who harm the environment. While respected for their dedication, they are sometimes seen as too extreme by other followers.   Arcane Scholars (Mystra Faction): Devotees who delve deeper into the mysteries of magic and the arcane, beyond the general worship of Mystra. They prioritize the acquisition of magical knowledge and might experiment with forbidden or dangerous arcane practices. While admired for their dedication to magic, they are cautiously watched by mainstream followers for pushing the boundaries of safe magical practice. Most are too extreme to research in citium.   The Order of Truth (Oghma Sect): A group that seeks knowledge at all costs, believing that truth should be pursued relentlessly and shared openly, without regard to the consequences. Their uncompromising search for truth always lead to conflicts with those who wish to keep certain knowledge secret. They are respected for their pursuit of wisdom but are also considered somewhat naive or reckless by more conservative followers.   The Final Judges (Kelemvor Faction): This sect takes a more active role in determining the fate of souls, believing that they can interpret Kelemvor's will in judging the dead before their time. Their practices often involve rituals to pass judgement on souls before they are deceased, which can be controversial and is sometimes seen as overstepping their mortal bounds.   The Oathkeepers (Juramento Faction): Followers who take the concept of oaths and promises to an extreme, enforcing the keeping of vows with zealous fervor. They intervene in disputes or conflicts that involve broken promises or lies, acting as self-appointed enforcers of truth. While their dedication to honesty is lauded, their methods can be seen as agressive or overly harsh as it is hard to walk down a street in ro do without hearing a lie.
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