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Triadic Order of Justice

The Triadic Order of Justice is the Militant Aspect of the New Triad, there are the holy warriors, the fighting cleric, the paladins, and the Holy Soldiers.
The Triadic Order of Justice was formed from the various different militant orders after they suffered and lost to the Depradations of the land, they combined forces to be stronger together than to be slowly whittled down one by one.
Some of the more notable former organisations were; The Suffered Guardians, The Monastic Militant of Ilmater, Knights of Ilmater and other organisations( to be added).

  Inside of the Order are Sub orders of knight and Company of holy warriors, each order of Knights are about 50 members and a holy Company of around 100, the number and amount of companies and orders fluctuate as casualties are sustained and members retire or join adventuring parties to assist the people in different ways.



Each Holy Order has 50 knights.
Each Holy Company Has around 100 Holy Warriors.


The Holy Knight Often wears Heavy armour and uses their weapon of preference.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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