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Crusader Purges

Military action


The Crusader Purges were a series of ideological extremist campaigns that spread rapidly across the continent of Rondo from approximately 52 AWW (After the Great Calamity) until around 120 AWW. There were a total of 11-16 Crusades called during this period, with each one targeting a different group or race. The most well-known Crusades were those against Elvenkind, Beastfolk, Mankind, and Life itself.

The Crusader Purges were a series of ideological extremist movements that swept across the region of Rondo from 52 AWW until around 120 AWW. It is believed that there were 11-16 crusades occurring during this period, each with its own specific goals and targets. Many different groups took up the call to crusade, but they often disagreed on who the crusade was against.

  The Crusade against Elves was driven by a human named Acras Von Vitlit, who called on the "good thinking" members of Rondo to fight against the elves. This crusade did more harm to the exiled elves living in other countries than those inside Dake'ladak, as the escaped elves took the brunt of the purge.

  The Crusade against Beastfolk is believed to be a major factor in the low population of beastfolk in modern times. There is little documentation of the crusade in the Wastelands, but a few accounts recorded by bards at the time suggest that there were two main groups attacking the various beastfolk of the region.

  The Crusade against Men and the Crusade against Life are also notable events within the Crusader Purges. These crusades were driven by various motivations, including greed, racism, and a desire to cull the human population. The impact of these crusades was significant and long-lasting, with many individuals and groups suffering as a result of the violence and destruction wrought by the crusaders.
Overall, the Crusader Purges were a tumultuous and divisive period in the history of Rondo, with many different groups and cultures affected by the violence and destruction of the crusades. The legacy of these events is still felt today, as the memory of the purges continues to shape the relationships and perspectives of those who were involved or impacted by them.
Now each crusade has three views, the ones crusading, the victims and the bystanders watching the show. So I will endeavour to be as impartial as I can but all sources of this time come from one of these biased viewpoints so there cannot be a completely impartial account.

Crusade against Elvenkind

One of the most well-known crusades was the one against elvenkind. It was called forth by a human named Acras Von Vitlit, who appealed to the "good-thinking" members of Rondo to fight against the elves. Two main groups answered this call: those who hated elves for various reasons, and those who opposed slavery and sought to destroy the elven slave trade hub of Dake'ladak.
Unfortunately, the crusade did more harm to innocent elves living outside of Dake'ladak than it did to those within it, as they were the ones who bore the brunt of the purges.

Crusade against Beastfolk

  Another significant campaign during the Crusader Purges was the crusade against the beastfolk of the Wastelands. While there is not much documentation of this particular crusade, there are a few accounts recorded by roaming bards in the land at the time. These accounts suggest that there were two main groups attacking the various beastfolk clans in the Wastelands: those who opposed the beastfolk for their "uncivilized" nature, and those who sought to exploit the beastfolk for their magical abilities.

  This crusade is thought to be one of the reasons for the low population of beastfolk in modern times. Many clans were wiped out or driven to extinction, with only a few surviving to the present day.

Crusade against Mankind

The crusade against mankind was perhaps one of the most devastating of the Crusader Purges. It was a time of great turmoil and unrest, with various factions rising up against one another in the name of ideology and belief. The crusade against mankind was fueled by a deep-seated hatred and intolerance for those who were perceived as different or "other". It was a time of great violence and destruction, with countless lives lost and entire communities decimated.

The crusade against mankind was led by a group of radical zealots who saw themselves as the chosen ones, destined to cleanse the world of those they deemed unworthy. They were willing to go to great lengths to achieve their goal, using whatever means necessary to stamp out the perceived threat of the "other". They were ruthless and brutal, showing no mercy to those they saw as enemies.

The effects of the crusade against mankind were felt far and wide, as the zealots targeted anyone and everyone they deemed as a threat. They burned villages and towns to the ground, slaughtered entire families, and devastated entire communities. The impact of this crusade was particularly severe in the more isolated and vulnerable areas of the world, where people were often unable to defend themselves against the brutal onslaught.

The crusade against mankind was eventually brought to an end, but the damage had already been done. Many lives were lost, and entire communities were left in ruins. It was a dark and tumultuous time in the history of Rondo, one that is still remembered and mourned to this day.

Crusade against Life

The Crusade against Life was a dark and violent period in Rondo's history, marked by widespread destruction and the attempted extermination of entire species. The origins of this crusade are shrouded in mystery, with different accounts placing blame on various factions and individuals.

  What is known is that the Crusade against Life began in the years following the Great Calamity, when the magical fabric of the world was already weakened and strained. It is believed that a group of radical zealots, driven by a fanatical hatred of all forms of life, seized upon this opportunity to launch a campaign of destruction against the various species of Rondo.

  The crusade was marked by brutal attacks and brutal tactics, with the zealots showing no mercy to their victims. Whole villages and communities were wiped out, and the remaining survivors were often left to fend for themselves in the ravaged landscape. The crusade also saw the widespread use of forbidden magic, with some of the zealots harnessing the power of death itself in their quest to destroy all life.
The Crusade against Life was eventually brought to an end, but at a great cost. Many species were nearly wiped out, and the land itself was left scarred and barren in many places. The memory of this dark period still haunts Rondo to this day, with many of its inhabitants living in fear of a resurgence of the zealots and their destructive ideology.

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