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Timeline Of Rondo

The Begining

0 BGC 49 AGC

  • Creation
    World Creation
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The world was created, the who and how is massively debated upon but to most people, it just happened and there are the much more important things to consider like “who should I attack “ or “who’s going to attack me next?”

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  • Eldritch War
    Eldritch Encounter
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Pantheons all fought against the "original inhabitants" of the dark in which Rondo Was created.

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Time of Unrest

50 AGC 499 AGC

  • 50 AGC

    First Great War
    Military action

    Records from this time are sparse, most of what is known is hearsay and stories passed down from generation to generation. What sparked the madness of the entire continent declaring war on each other is lost to time but we do know that at the beginning of the war there were over 40 countries, some speculate it might even be as high as 70 countries were dotted around the land. After that war, it is said that the number was cut in half. Many ancient scars that dot the land are from this time.

  • 51 AGC

    The Colossal Wars
    Military action

    After the First Great War, the Dragons rose to power and subjugated many humanoid settlements across Rondo, the Giants however liked to keep more to themselves and hid away in great mountains and sky fortresses only interacting with humanoids when they saw fit. With free reign to stomp all other races underfoot the Dragons grew bigger and fatter and greedier until eventually, they sought to destroy the only other competitors on Rondo, the Giants.

  • 250 AGC

    350 AGC

    Forced Order
    Plague / Epidemic

    Something Odd Happened upstairs in that the material plane becomes close to the Mechanus thus the world itself becomes truly, forcefully lawful.

  • 400 AGC

    The Hendraxus Heracy
    Disaster / Destruction

    Giant demonic incursion that ravaged the land not much is recorded at that time but it was a time of great evil. There are many remnants from this time, fragments of demonic essence permeate the lands still. It was a time of Evil, Demons walked the land, devils ran amok and darkness ensued. it was a time of Peril and pain. but from it rose the Unbreakable Alliance.

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  • Divine Invasion
    The Godly War
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The godly war is not spoken of much, no mortal got involved as they were focused on the Hendraxus Heracy, but the gods did not like the Circle's power play so they got involved in a dramatic way.

    More reading
    Fallen Pantheons
    Additional timelines

United Era

550 AGC 650 AGC

The Great powers of the World came together and fought back against the Demonic incursion.

  • 1 UBA

    101 UBA

    The Unbreakable Alliance
    Military action

    The Powers of the Land banded together, the most powerful of the land pooled their strength and closed the Breach the Hendraxus made thus saving Rondo from the Demons beyond.

  • The True History Behind the Great Calamity
    The Unforgivable Betrayal

    What really caused the Great Calamity. is a betrayal so foul it is unforgivable.

  • 101 UBA

    1 /11

    Great Calamity
    Life, Supernatural

    The Great Calamity was a great catastrophe that had massive consequences for the entire World.

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Time of Strife

651 AGC 801 AGC

  • 652 TOS

    Second Great War
    Military: War

    With the wards damaged or down, it was easier to destroy than create. This is also called “magical Slaughterfest” the after-effects were very devastating leaving deadlands and magicless zones around the realm.

  • 800 TOS

    5000 TOS

    Wishful Wars
    Military action

    The djinn was one of the last remnants of pre-Calamity power. this being so every side wanted to take advantage of their power.

Time of War

5000 AGC 5549 AGC

  • 51 AWW

    Crusader Purges
    Military action

    The Crusader Purges were a series of ideological extremist campaigns that spread rapidly across the continent of Rondo from approximately 52 AWW (After the Great Calamity) until around 120 AWW. There were a total of 11-16 Crusades called during this period, with each one targeting a different group or race. The most well-known Crusades were those against Elvenkind, Beastfolk, Mankind, and Life itself.

  • 119 AWW

    7 /8
    157 AWW

    30 /12

    Civil War
    Military action

    The Civil Wars Across The Land were a series of conflicts that occurred in various countries and regions around the world. These wars were characterized by a desire for change and revolution, as individuals and groups sought to overthrow existing governments and social systems. While some of these revolutions were successful, many were not, either due to a lack of military or magical power, or due to infighting among the rebels.

  • 251 AWW

    301 AWW

    Cardinal Wars
    Military action

    The Cardinal Wars were a series of conflicts that took place in the land of Rondo, with the north and south pitted against each other while the east and west remained neutral. These wars were marked by intense fighting and widespread devastation, with many lives lost and entire communities destroyed.

  • 276 AWW

    Spitting Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Spitting Fever is a strange bacterial infection that was first discovered by Trivin’s Mages during the Cardinal Wars. The Plague Is still active and due to its resistance to commonly accessible cures is very much a threat.

  • 501 AWW

    -4387 AWW

    Immortal Wars
    Military action

    The Immortal Wars were a series of conflicts that took place over a period of 100 years in the world of Rondo. It was later discovered that these wars had been manipulated by two immortals.

Time of Change

5550 AGC and beyond

  • 1 AFG

    64 AFG

    The Forth And Final Great War
    Military action

    it was the war to end all wars, the Fourth and final war. The death toll was astronomical only demonic incursions have ever gotten close, the blood ran like rivers and the bodies stacked like mountains.

  • 160 AFG

    250 AFG

    The Fifth Great War
    Military action

    The most recent Great war that happened only 96 years after the “fourth and Final Great War” with the war ending with an unsatisfying conclusion to some 4 separate small wars were declared within a year, alliances were made and others betrayed. Grudges are still felt from this war as it finally settled the current borders, mostly, there is nearly always a war going on over something.

  • 160 AFG

    10 /7 10:00
    160 AFG

    27 /11 19:00

    War of The Usurper's Hand
    Political event

    A short but brutal takeover of the Leutherias royal house by Von Smazzlehand, during which he orchestrated the assassinations of the royal family, their heirs and other loyalist houses within Trivin. The royals were dead within the week, their loyalists within the month, those that resisted had either fled or surrendered by the third month and those who caused trouble were silenced by the next week.   Although like with any takeover, no matter how effective, there is always a power vacuum as people move through the ranks. Many currently contest claims and trade opportunities throughout the kingom.