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Wishful Wars

Military action


The djinn was one of the last remnants of pre-Calamity power. this being so every side wanted to take advantage of their power.

The Wishful Wars were a series of conflicts that arose in the world of Rondo as various factions sought to take advantage of the power of the djinn, one of the last remnants of pre-Calamity power. These conflicts were characterized by the use of wishes, with each side attempting to outdo the other by wishing their opponents into oblivion or non-existence.
As the Wishful Wars raged on, the power of the djinn was greatly expended and their numbers dwindled, with many genies leaving the plane or being killed or wished out of existence. The most impactful wishes of the Wishful Wars were those concerning time and destruction. The specifics of these wishes are unknown, but their effects were significant. The first wish caused time to be reset and unbound, merging the past and future into a confusing conflux. The second and final wish permanently destroyed all remnants, connections, and existence of djinns on the material plane.
The Wishful Wars were a tumultuous time in the history of Rondo, and their impact is still felt to this day. The exact duration of the Wishful Wars is unknown, as the conflicting wishes distorted the very fabric of time, making it difficult to determine their true length. Despite the destruction caused by these conflicts, the legacy of the djinn and their power lives on in the stories and legends passed down through the ages.

The Wishful Wars were a chaotic and mysterious period in the history of Rondo. It is believed that the djinn, powerful beings with the ability to grant wishes, played a significant role in these conflicts. As various factions struggled for control and power, they turned to the djinn for assistance, using their wishes to gain an advantage over their enemies.
Over time, the constant use of wishes began to take a toll on the djinn and their power was greatly diminished. Many genies were killed or wished out of existence, leading to a depletion of their numbers. The effects of the Wishful Wars were far-reaching and enigmatic, with the fabric of time itself being distorted and the rules of nature being altered or ignored.
There were two major wishes that had a profound impact on Rondo. The first involved the manipulation of time, causing it to become reset and unbound, leading to a merging of the past and future. The second wish was for the permanent destruction of all remnants, connections, and existence of djinn on the material plane.
The duration of the Wishful Wars is unknown, as the time distortion caused by the wishes makes it difficult to accurately measure. Researchers can date artifacts from before and after the Wishful Wars, but attempting to determine the age of pre-Wishful Wars artifacts from today can lead to errors in spells and even drive one mad with inconsistencies. All research into the Wishful Wars should be approved by a department head before proceeding.
Expert from " a time forgotten VI" by the Mad Sage Bronwyn

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