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Civil War

Military action


The Civil Wars Across The Land were a series of conflicts that occurred in various countries and regions around the world. These wars were characterized by a desire for change and revolution, as individuals and groups sought to overthrow existing governments and social systems. While some of these revolutions were successful, many were not, either due to a lack of military or magical power, or due to infighting among the rebels.

The Civil Wars Across The Land were a series of conflicts that took place in various countries and regions around the world. These wars were fueled by a desire for change and revolution, as individuals and groups sought to overthrow existing governments and social systems. Many of these revolutions were unsuccessful, as they lacked the necessary military and magical power to sustain their efforts. However, some revolutions did manage to effect change, either through concessions made by the ruling powers or through popular support.

One such revolution occurred in the Understabs, where female goblins and a group of free-thinking males attempted to abolish the practice of spawning pits. While this revolution ultimately failed, it resulted in the deaths of many non-spawned goblins and free-born females in the Understabs. It also led to a law prohibiting two goblins from having children without council approval.

  Another example of a civil war was the revolt of the slaves in Dakladak, who sought to escape to the Wastelands. This revolution was unsuccessful and ultimately resulted in many of the revolting elves being chosen for murder orgies.

The Civil Wars Across The Land also saw conflicts in the Sunken Banks, where the Tritons allied with the grunge against the tortles. However, infighting between the Tritons and their allies ultimately led to the failure of the rebellion. The tortles not noticing that there was a rebellion planned throughout it.

  In contrast, the Baulderboss's surprisingly did not experience a slave revolt. Instead, they discovered a subspecies of goliath that were part crystal and had control of the earth. When these goliaths refused to submit to the Bauldermax's, a civil war broke out, resulting in the destruction of the new subspecies.

  The sky Sovereigns also experienced a civil war, which was believed to be their seventh such conflict. Trivin did not have any civil wars, ever in their recorded history I do not know why you would think during the time of civil wars the country made up of many ethnicities would never have ANY internal strife,if it did it would not have been recorded in any official history books.

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