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The Cay of Tennir

Oblivion's Stepping Stone

This is not a place you should visit. Just admire it from a far, and wave, please.


The Cay of Tennir is a small, slender island with it's own peninsula and island neighbor, although Rook is more an oversized boulder than an island. The main island features a mixture of craggy cliffs and a couple sandy shores on which to land. But no one goes there.

Fauna & Flora

According to the Den, several varieties of monster vie for dominance on this lonely, rocky place. They are such that even Foxes don't visit without good reason, and there are always sentries looking out over from Vool's western coast in case the fiends learn to swim....   The most disturbing creatures catalogue include rock-tigers, harpies, and body-snatchers - creatures who are more than parasitic...   Body-snatchers have never been observed in their nascent, original forms. Theirs is a life of constant changing from victim to victim, not unlike a hermit crab. In this way, body-snatchers are known to constantly seek out more and more powerful bodies no matter the species. This is to gain advantage over competitors. To make matters worse, body-snatchers cause their host body to grow mutations specifically to compensate for the body's shortcomings. For example: a rock-tiger grows especially powerful hind-legs which give masterful leaping ability to navigate the island's rocky coastline. Now, give that same rock-tiger a far reaching, prehensile tongue with which to grab prey, like the low-flying harpies, from safer, strategic positions. Or perhaps extra fore-limbs (sometimes with actual hands) will grow out of the tiger's shoulders so that it may use all four legs for stability, while extending its area of influence to include above the tiger's body.   Two giants are known to inhabit the island. Foxes named them Meek and Mite. They can sometimes be seen across the water on Vool wandering the shores sometimes peacefully, sometimes not. They fight a lot.

Natural Resources

None. The island does however shield Vool's western coastline from large waves and storm surges.
Location under
Owning Organization

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