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Traxmund Hall

The last eyes to bid the sun farewell

There are beautiful places in this world, but there may be no other sunset on Tzumlah quite like Traxmund Hall. From the highest peak in the range one can marvel at the valley, and see it carve its entire way to the Myr-Ros. When the sun reaches that great horizon the colors of the sky become to magical to name. To see the evening light reflect off the ocean, and fill the fertile valley below is to behold at once a fairy-tale and the end of the known world.   There are many fortresses which line the valley at varying altitudes. This suggests a vital, martial past whose story may only be known to the headmasters of The Den. Common theories delight in tales of clan rivalries and intrigue - that all those fortresses were the result of centuries of bluster, bickering, and feuds. Yet a curious design, common to all structures in the region, goes ignored by such tales. Every fort, every port-cullis, every gate, no matter which clan built it, is entered from the east.


The valley, or The Hall, nestled between the mountain sides provides enough food and agriculture for the entire island of Vool. This is fortunate considering most of the island is mountainous, or covered by the often fatal Foxwood. There are, of course, other farms and plantations on the island, but Traxmund Hall provides the largest, unbroken stretch of fertile ground. Thus, much of the island's permanent denizens reside here.   The mountains themselves are, indeed, imposing and severe, but they are not as difficult to navigate as one might expect given the frightening reputation of the nearby Foxwood. Paths and roads are well worn and maintained. After all, a clear trail is a safe trail.   There are surprisingly few places to fall and meet a fatal end. The mountains are old, and worn down. There aren't many sheer cliff-sides, but a broken leg (or any condition which renders one immobilized) may as well have been a thousand mile fall.

Fauna & Flora

The mountains are not as ferocious as the forests below, and their terrain, in general, is quite mild when compared to other mainland ranges such as The Shield, or The Scars of Kerrick. The danger here is primarily the fauna. A unique species of mountain lion patrols the highest elevations, and wolf packs orbit the settled lands at the bottom. The mountain lions are a rare sight, but an encounter with them is more often than not quite fatal. Agents of the Den, Foxes, will sometimes use an excursion across the peaks as a wager for a coveted distinction among their guild known as a "Crowning Achievement." This specifically refers to the Crown, or the "U"-shaped path of the mountain range. The object is to trek across the peaks to the adjacent side of the valley, ending at the coastline. This puts the aspiring Foxes in prolonged contact with the formidable mountain lions. Remember: it is not called a Fox's "Crowning Achievement" because of it's high survival rate. Popular rumor among the Foxes and their squires is that the lions are guarding something.

Natural Resources

A natural harbor forms at the coast. Remnants of a bustling city suggest it once participated in trade, but today only a larger-than-average fishing culture. The harbor reaches nearly half a mile inland.
Mountain Pass
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Owning Organization

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