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Dalinar Kholin

Dalinar Kholin is a Highprince of Alethkar and was a famous Shardbearer. During his youth, he helped his brother, the now deceased King Gavilar, to unite Alethkar, then a country of ten individual princedoms. His prowess in battle was enough to earn him the singular title of The Blackthorn.

While he was a Shardbearer, his Shardblade was named Oathbringer. Unlike most Alethi Shardbearers, he chose to wear his plate without decorations, leaving it its original slate grey color. Like his son, Adolin, he rides a Ryshadium: a black horse named Gallant. Currently, he is much more infrequently that warrior that inspired awe and terror, but instead a thoughtful leader, seeking the unification of Alethkar above all else, even at the expense of his reputation. He has recently discovered his Surgebinding capacity and has spoken the second Ideal of the Bondsmiths. His spren is the Stormfather.



Dalinar has a square face, the face of a warrior. He is not notably handsome. His features appear blunted, and his short black hair is silvering at the sides. His stiff uniform makes him seem the only one about her who knows anything about combat. He has sharp blue eyes. He appears distinguished, his eyes scarily discerning, it appears that his nose had been broken at some point, and his face was a tad unfortunate due to bruising.


In his youth, Dalinar was known for his ferocity and skill, both as a soldier and commander. He was commonly known as the Blackthorn, and was well respected. The Blackthorn would be the first to tell another that when one's opponent is getting back up, one must act quickly to crush his knees. Then the opponent will bow, and present his skull. Following his brother's assassination, Dalinar started reading The Way of Kings, and following the Alethi Codes of War. He became less fierce, and even began to momentarily lose his experience of the Thrill. He eventually admitted to his desire for a more peaceful existence, causing him to lose a lot of respect amongst his peers and encourage rumors that he had become weak, which even his son, Adolin, seemed to believe. Still, over the years, he's learned to trust his instincts as a soldier and general. He likes when others are direct with him. Dalinar is a rock, a boulder too big for even storms to move.


  • Loyalty is the first lesson of a soldier's life.
  • A man's emotions are what define him, and control is the hallmark of true strength. To lack feeling is to be dead, but to act on every feeling is to be a child.
  • Dalinar loves tradition and has fought for tradition. He makes his men follow the Alethi Codes of War. He upholds Vorin virtues, but believes that merely being tradition does not make something worthy.
  • He also believes that he has to do his duty because every time he'd ignored it in the past, something terrible happened.
"If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man." - Dalinar Kholin
“A journey will have pain and failure. It is not only the steps forward that we must accept. It is the stumbles. The trials. The knowledge that we will fail. That we will hurt those around us. But if we stop, if we accept the person we are when we fail, the journey ends. That failure becomes our destination.” - Dalinar Kholin
  “The most important words a man can say are, ‘I will do better.‘” - Dalinar Kholin


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