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A fabrial is an artifact which harnesses the power of Stormlight in order to perform a given function.

Contemporary artifabrian engineers made breakthroughs in fabrial technology. There are five known types of contemporary fabrials in three different categories. However, no amount of fabrial science has even approached re-creating relics from the time of the Radiants, such as Shardplate.

Operating Principle:

The type of gemstone and the size greatly influence the efficiency of the fabrial; the larger the stone, the more Stormlight it can gather and maintain its effect.

According to Navani, a renowned artifabrian, within her notebook, patterns of Stormlight filtered through the fabrial determine the power of the gemstone. While the cut and type of the gem determines what kind of spren are attracted to it and can be imprisoned in it. Further, she indicates that there must be thousands of possible combinations. Once a spren is captured and the gem infused with Stormlight, the fabrial can be used in machines.

Types of Fabrials:

Warning Fabrials:

These are devices created to warn the user of something nearby, be that a person or a sensation or an object; a larger gemstone infused in this type of fabrial increases the range at which the user can be warned.

Pairing Fabrials:

Conjoiners are sensitive fabrials. They are created by splitting one gemstone - specifically, a ruby - which will in turn act as a whole, with the actions of one half affecting the other half. The most common example of this type of fabrial is the spanreed by which means communication can be affected over a vast distance. Conservation of force is maintained, for instance, if one attaches a fabrial to a large stone; one would need the same amount of force to lift the fabrial as one would need to lift the stone.

Reversers act in the opposite way to conjoiners and are created by the splitting of an amethyst instead of a ruby. The reaction of each half is the exact opposite of what one half undergoes; to lift up one half would cause the other half to be forced downwards.

Altering Fabrials:

Augmenters are fabrials which enhance something. They can be used to increase heat or movement, to warm a room or generate a breeze.

Diminishers are fabrials which work opposite of Augmenters. They are used to reduce something, such as pain or heat.

Attracting Fabrials:

These fabrials are capable of attracting certain materials to them. They have been used to clear smoke from a fire or even to attract moisture to keep materials dry even in the rain. It makes sense with the dichotomous nature of altering fabrials that it may be possible to create a 'repulsing' fabrial. 

Clock Fabrials:

These fabrials are capable of keeping track of time. They are a new invention and not very widespread. Navani Kholin has developed a wrist mounted design that she gifted to her new husband Dalinar Kholin


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