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Kaladin Stormblessed

Kaladin Stormblessed is an accomplished spearman and a natural leader. He was initially trained as a surgeon by his father Lirin , but left his training to join the army. He has held many positions over the years including squad leader in Brightlord Amaram's army, Bridgeleader of Bridge Four in Highprince Sadeas' army, Captain of Dalinar Kholin's Honourguard, Leader of the Cobalt Guard and currently Highmarshal of the Order of Windrunners. No matter where Kaladin goes, he seems to gravitate towards a position of leadership.

According to members of Bridge Four, their captain seems intimidating to many outsiders. He has a perpetual storm for an expression, an intensity that makes men wilt when it turns on them. But there is also an astonishing tenderness to the man. Some days, it seemed one couldn't break Kaladin with all the stones on Roshar. Then one of his men would get wounded, and one would see him crack. Kaladin naturally exhibits the traits of the Alethi Codes of War. This can be seen when he's a bridgeleader, as he insists that each man wear his vest at all times during their bridge shifts (readiness when he practices carrying planks of wood to inspire his men (inspiration when he allows himself to be beaten up by soldiers to avoid further trouble (restraint when he insists on running at the front during every last bridge run (leadership and when he risks his life and spends resources to take care of injured bridgemen (honor). As these traits come naturally to him, many people - both lighteyed and dark - have compared him to lighteyes, as it is often assumed lighteyes naturally exhibit such traits as well. Kaladin protests these comparisons, refusing any connection to lighteyes.

  Kaladin is the leader of the Windrunners and has a close bond with his Honourspren Sylphrena. She is almost constantly by his side and always there to offer support or a good natured jibe at Kaladin when he gets too serious. Kaladin leans on Syl for emotional support when his tendency for depression gets the better of him and Syl learns so much about the physical world through Kaladin.       


Kaladin is a tall man, with the brawny physique of a soldier and a bridgeman. His black Alethi hair is shoulder-length and wavy, and mostly covers the slave brands on his forehead. Kaladin's eyes are dark brown, but become a pale glassy blue after summoning Syl as a weapon.


Kaladin has a constant desire to help people, no matter how they treat him. He acts with honor and admires those who also act with honor. He has a deep distrust of lighteyes due to his treatment from Brightlord Roshone, Brightlord Amaram and Highprince Sadeas. He continues to persevere and attempts to save those around him, even when the odds are stacked against him. Recently though, he is revising his opinion of lighteyes, having realized that Dalinar truly cares about his men.


  • While training prepares one for the mechanics of a fight, the emotions are another thing entirely.
  • His men are his family and it is his responsibility to protect his family. 
“Somebody has to start. Somebody has to step forward and do what is right, because it is right.” - Kaladin Stormblessed
  “You were not shocked when a child knew how to breathe. You were not shocked when a skyeel took flight for the first time. You should not be shocked when you hand Kaladin Stormblessed a spear and he knows how to use it.” - Teft


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