Ambrose Lee Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Ambrose Lee

Doctor Ambrose Lee (a.k.a. The Shadestrider)

Ambrose was raised in Belmore, a small village in Scalmoore. He was an only child and raised by his parents. As an infant, Ambrose always struggled to sleep, moreso than a normal infant. This was due to the dreams and nightmares that plagued him. These dreams and nightmares given by the Shadowcat plagued him for years. While they did cause some distress for a time, Ambrose became fixated on them and decided to dedicate his life to the study of dreams and nightmares.   As Ambrose grew older, he became fascinated with the idea that there was more to the world than just what could be seen with the naked eye. He spent many hours poring over books and scrolls, seeking to unlock the secrets of the Otherworld and the mysterious creatures that inhabited it. His intense curiosity and determination led him to leave his hometown and travel to the city of Ravenport, where he enrolled at the Astoria College for the Gifted to study oneirology, the science of dreams.   Ambrose quickly made a name for himself in the academic community, impressing his professors with his keen mind and vast knowledge. He published several papers on the subject of dreams, and even wrote a book, The Art of Dream Interpretation, which quickly became a bestseller. Despite his success, Ambrose remained humble and continued to pursue his passion for understanding the mysteries of the Otherworld and the creatures that lived there. Ambrose eventually became of professor at the college he once studied. Shortly after, Ambrose was recruited to The Pathfinder's Society by his longtime friend and colleague The Cartographer.   It was during one particular night, Ambrose had a particularly vivid dream. In this dream he encountered the Shadowcat for the first time and discovered his true purpose. The Shadowcat revealed to Ambrose that he was chosen to become the Shadestrider, the Shadowcats champion and protector in the Human realm. Overwhelmed by the responsibility, Ambrose accepted the role and dedicated himself to serving as the guardian of the human realm, using his knowledge and skills to keep it safe from harm.   With the help of the Shadowcat, Ambrose honed his powers and became a skilled magick-user, learning to navigate the Otherworld via dreams. He remained vigilant, always ready to face the dangers of the human realm and protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Date of Birth
47, Month of Seeding, 399 EoM
Date of Death
7, Month of Flowers, 41 EoT
1831 AB 1918 AB 87 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by a fungal infested being created by Scourge at Turner Mansion
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Ambrose Lee as the Shadestrider


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