Scourge Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Scourge was a former vigilante turned supervillain and terrorist that resided in Ravenport during the early years of the Era of Technology. He was responsible for the destruction of Ashington Palace.   He is a former member of the vigilante group formed by Loren Turner and was close friends with Lewis McKerras.  

Magick & Cost

Scourge had the ability to control and create pestilence, sickness, and poisons. Due to the nature of his magickal capabilities, it is hypothesized that Scourge was Balidanian, though this is unconfirmed. He appeared to have preformed the Rite of Quresh to obtain his abilities. Unknown to most, the cost of Scourge's magick was that he could no longer breath normal air or breath without labor. He had now to always wear his helmet and mask to breath and to survive.
Date of Birth
Date of Death
45 EoT
Year of Death
1922 AB
Circumstances of Death
Defeated and killed by Lewis McKerras , Orrin Durinmec , and Theodore Granger


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