Lewis McKerras Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Lewis McKerras

(a.k.a. Dastardly Duelist, Revenant)

Lewis McKerras was born and raised in Ravenport. After the death of his family, he was adopted by Loren Turner, a wealthy nobleman in Ravenport. Loren was also the vigiante known as Antioch, and trained Lewis as a teenager. Lewis had developed skills in fencing during his upbringing and excelled in close quarters combat. He became known as the vigilante, Dastardly Duelist, much to Loren's disapproval.   Shortly before the Blackout, Lewis appeared to have died in a run in with former partner and vigilante, Scourge. Lewis did end up surviving the encounter and became the anti-hero known as Revenant. He swore justice and revenge on Scourge and spent his days seeking him out.  

The Dastardly Duelist



Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lewis is always in peak physical condition. He excels in hand to hand combat and sword dueling. He is quick and acrobatic. His preferred weapon is a rapier.
Lewis McKerras as the Dastardly Duelist
Parents (Adopting)
Lewis Mckerras as Revenant


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