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Qareen are the ethereal spiritual companions to humans, existing in the Otherworld. It is suggested that Qareen take on a similar form to their human counterpart, but this has yet to be confirmed. It was also recently discovered that Qareen serve as the gateway for a human's journey into the Otherworld, and to date, only The Cartographer has been able to accomplish this. In the Otherworld, Qareen serve as guides to the Paradise of Souls from the Spirit World. As a spirit passes through the Void, they search for their Qareen, who assist them in travelling the Void in safety. Qareen are often hunted by Djinn and devils, who see them as a threat. In the human realm, they have been known show themselves but are generally only found in the Void. Roscoe 'Red' Callahan was one such person who came into regular contact with their Qareen.   Destruction of a human's Qareen can be catastrophic, potentially hindering their journey to the Paradise of Souls and leaving them vulnerable to the dangers of the Otherworld. The exception to this is the Shadestrider, whose Qareen is destroyed by the Shadowcat to become their champion. The Shadowcat then takes on the role of the Shadestrider's Qareen, leaving the Shadestrider unable to journey to the Paradise of Souls.
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