Roscoe 'Red' Callahan Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Roscoe 'Red' Callahan

Red was a young man from the who spent much of his time in Balidan. Red was forced to perform the Rite of Quresh by a man known as the Doctor, in a crazed experiment. He was one of thirteen patients of the Doctor.   Few know what magickal capabilities Red was granted, but the cost that came with it was great. Whether it was bad luck or because of the dark experiments done, Red seemed to be cursed to be cursed. At first, he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him, but he quickly learned this was not the case. With alarming frequency, he seemed to see a visage of some man or some off-putting humanoid figure. Whenever he saw this visage, poor luck seemed to follow in its wake. From the very first time he saw this figure, he also began to hear incoherent voices in his head. These voices seemed to rise to screams in times of great stress. Both of these occurrences seemed to happen all the more frequently in the presence of magick.   Red was a cohort and friend of Bakari Okot, Andrew Henlien and Jannik Servaas.


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